• aeronmelon@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    London (2005) & Ghost Cat Anzu (2024)

    London isn’t quite the movie I expected it to be. I watched it because I’m a Crystal Method fan. I was not expecting a very young Chris Evans and Jason Statham. Nor was I expecting how well they played off each other.

    An interesting story about shitty people who actually want to be better people and told almost exclusively through flashbacks and exposition. It ends way better than a you’d think a movie like this would end.

    Ghost Cat Anzu is the most Ghibli not-Ghibli movie I’ve ever seen. Beautiful and slightly-unconventional art style, especially the use of shading. But also excellent “camera” work making cel animation behave like real camera movements (tracking a character as they walk across a scene, for example).

    Beyond the artistic beauty, what makes it Ghibli is the plot and pacing. It centers around a supernatural journey taken by the child of a delinquent, widowed father who get dumped in the countryside while dad tries to work off his debt with shady people. It isn’t a long movie but it takes its time with everything and isn’t afraid to be funny and serious (sometimes at the same time). If you like Ghibli and movies that center around child heroes, I highly recommend it.