What if you want to work out? That leaves 3.5 hours. 30 minutes to put together breakfast and dinner. 2.5 hours. Any errands you need to run? House or yard? Family or kids? God forbid you want to take care of yourself at all.
Because people use the weekend to recover from the week, some of us are chronically ill you know? And are trying not to have another burnout.
(Yeah I already had 2 and I’m not even 40, yay capitalism)
Working out is personal time yes, you are now engaging in extracurricular activities and… what? Complaining you don’t have more time for extracurricular activities because you spent your time on extracurricular activities?
You shouldn’t need to run errands every single day, if that is happening that’s an organizational you problem, figure your shit out better.
I already covered chores. You aren’t cleaning your entire house every day, if that is happening once again that is a you problem.
Normal people maybe tops spend 20 minutes tidying per day, with one big day of tidying on weekends for 3 hours or so tops.
If you are spending more than 20 minutes tidying every single day, you need to re-assess how you live your life. Stop being so messy.
Taking care of yourself, spending time with family, enjoying life, all easily fits into 4 hours on weekdays
You then get 2 entire days on weekends to also spend an extra 8 hours+ on personal time.
I dunno what to tell you, stop mowing your yard everyday I guess? You only need to mow every 2-3 weeks?
8 hours for sleep. 30 minutes to get up and get ready, 30 minutes for breakfast and cleanup, 30 minutes to work, 8 hours work + a 1 hour unpaid lunch, 30 minute drive home, 15 minutes to swap out of work clothes and 1 hour work our plus 15 minutes to get undressed and cleaned up, 30 minutes to make/eat dinner. That’s like 2.5 hours for any sort of you time.
If you think 2.5 hours of personal time per day is acceptable, more power to you. Most people don’t. Sure, you get the weekend but most people out of chores and errands until then, and you don’t really get any sort of necessary downtime.
…that last 2.5 hours quickly disappears when you have any sort of family. The next question becomes, do you think 2.5 hours with your kids and wife is enough time to develop a great relationship?
If you think 2.5 hours of personal time per day is acceptable, more power to you.
3.5, why do people work out for an hour and then pretend that didn’t count as personal time.
That literally was how you chose to spend your personal time lol. You spent almost a third of your personal time working out, why the fuck do you think you have less…?
3.5hrs of personal time is plenty.
Also even then, you shouldn’t be going to the gym every single day
I’m not a gym rat but even I know you are supposed to take breaks every couple days.
People keep bringing things you only do some dats to the table and treating them as something you do every day.
“What about 30 minutes of vacuuming” and stuff lile that. MATE, do you vacuum your house every day?! What in the hell lol
3.5hrs on weekdays and 11.5 hrs on weekends is tonnes of personal time.
Maybe spend less time doom scrolling on Instagram or something, I dunno.
This is just goofy. I’m not going to say your wrong for thinking that 2.5-3.5 hours is remotely acceptable to live a healthy and fulfilling life during the weekday. Many people would disagree with you and would like more time to spend with family, to develop themselves, to disengage from work, to relax, to explore, to learn. I’m not going to fault people for wanting more from life.
It’s people going “I don’t have time for anything”, mate, you do.
Honestly today so many people I know who complain about having zero spare time also are sending me memes on Instagram and shit all the time simultaneously.
Like, I also fuck around on my phone for an hour or two every day.
But at least I don’t try and bullshit and pretend that’s not what I’m spending my free time on
Like if you complain about not having free time via the act of posting about it on social media you are already kinda outting yourself on where your free time magically went to…
Stop bullshitting, you’re doom scrolling on your phone, we all are
The only difference between us is I’m not posting pretending I don’t lol
If you really can’t figure out how on earth you fit a 20 minute vacuum into your day and post about it on Twitter, can you maybe guess what my first advice is probably gonna be…? >_>;
the time needed for personal stuff at home (banks, bills, maintenance, planning)
shower is indeed 30 minutes from picking the clothes to dropping them in the hamper. Thats on days theres no other maintenance,
the time to buy the food you want to prep (that’s if you didnt spend a considerable amount of time budgeting and couponing on this economy)
the time to prep the food you just made, the big enough freezer to store it, the containers and the time to store and organize it.
if you have pets, vacuuming regularly is a thing
we haven’t mentioned anything about friends and family time, nevermind everything that comes with having kids
you’re forgetting every other human aspect of how doing stuff works, 4 x 2 hour tasks never take 8 hours whatever it is.
if you have to get/drop off your car at the shop, plan for holidays, trips, gifts, birthdays, events
we’re not even getting into working 2 jobs because 1 doesn’t pay enough (which is the reality for most).
By your own admission and being generous with the above, we spend more than 80% of our time subsisting, which becomes increasingly more difficult the less money you make. What happens to Saturday shopping and meal prep when your paycheck is monday and you had a big expense that ate up what little savings you had?
You’re making the rich man’s equivalent argument of “just don’t be poor”. Even if the numbers aren’t exactly as she put it, the point remains the same. This is /r/personalfinance level disillusionment
No, I was saying using it during work if it’s a sedentary job. It’s becoming pretty normalized for people to use treadmills + standing desks for a couple hours a day at their desk jobs, if needed.
I use one and easily hit 15k steps literally just sitting in on zoom meetings, for example. Makes it less boring.
banks, bills, maintenance, planning
This should be something that only comes up 1-2 times a month and takes like 5 minutes. And thats if you haven’t bothered to just setup automatic payments. If you spend more than 5 minutes on this sorta stuff maybe you are just bad with tech? It’s literally 6 button clicks for me to pay my phone bill right now.
the time to buy the food you want to prep (that’s if you didnt spend a considerable amount of time budgeting and couponing on this economy)
You shouldn’t be grocery shopping every. sngle. day.
Maybe the reason people in here struggle so much with their time is it sounds like they have no capacity to plan out and get all there weeks worth of errands done in 1 single outting on Saturday afternoon.
I go out early Saturday, get my errands done for the whole week, and get home and meal prep it for the whole week.
I usually have an entire month of meal prep in the deep freeze of various meals. I prep a month of food each week but a different meal, that way I usually have 4-5 totally different things in the freezer to mix and match.
Then all my meals take literally 3 minutes to warm up anytime I wanna save time.
I still make nice meals, usually on days where no other tasks were needed and I have extra time.
What happens to Saturday shopping and meal prep when your paycheck is monday and you had a big expense that ate up what little savings you had?
I’ve been deeply entrenched in poverty. I worked as a dishwasher in kitchens for 5 years getting myself through school. I had barely anything to my name, I lived in a shit apartment, I didn’t own a vehicle, I didn’t even own a bike for awhile.
I still had no issues saving my money and setting funds aside.
Every. Single. Person. I have ever met who complained about money, and I met countless people working in kitchens over 5 years, from all walks off life, all had 1 thing in common.
They spent money in really stupid fuckin shit. They talked about how they had no money but they smoked or drank, or drove to work from 20 blocks away, or got speeding tickets, or smoked weed, or went out partying every weekend, or showed up to work with a monster energy drink and a pepperoni every morning, etc etc etc etc.
You know how many fuckin meals you can make yourself for the same cost as one energy drink a day?
I have never met someone who complains about money that I haven’t been able to point out dumb shit I personally watched them buy.
But I point that out and I’m the asshole. Dude. Just fuckin stop buying stupid shit, stop wasting your money.
At first I really thought some people just truly were fucked but… no, I saw way way way to many people living life like this to just realize that… no.
The average person os stupid as fuck when it comes to managing their money. They’ll drop $4 on a single energy drink and then complain that potatoes are $1.75 now.
Everyone can tell your economic background from your comment. Now youre just making the boomer avocado argument. People should he able to afford amenities and shouldn’t have to grind that hard for small things. Our parents and grandparents sure as fuck didnt.
People aren’t having trouble making ends meet because theyre buying energy drinks. Thats the view the media wants you to have to you turn your anger towards them. People forget the first country the nazis invaded was their own.
I told you my economic background whether you wanna believe it or not.
People aren’t having trouble making ends meet because theyre buying energy drinks.
I’ve personally worked with dozens of people that literally fit this exact description.
Dudes that would unironically chug 2 monsters a day and then complain about how tight money was.
Mate you just blew 1/7th of what you made today on two fucking drinks
Then they’d ask me if I wanna get drinks with them after work.
These are extremely real people and honestly, the quantity of people I met who lived like this VASTLY outnumbered people closer to my lifestyle.
Simple shit love me going “I don’t drink” “I don’t party” “I don’t smoke” “I don’t have a car, I walk to work” and etc would fucking blow people’s minds.
“What do you do all weekend???” “Uh, play video games, work out, read, watch anime, go for hikes, pick up extra shifts…?”
Also don’t even get me started on the even worse people that constantly always complained about money, yet always were trying to get other people to take their shifts for them, get cut early, etc.
“I don’t understand why I’m not getting any shifts” Mate you literally keep giving them to other people, you understand you actually have to work to get paid right?
Sorry but this was like easy 60% of people I constantly dealt with at every fuckin job I worked. You get like 20% of people busting ass actually giving a fuck. 20% quiet folks that work and keep to themselves, and then like 60% of people that you honestly have to ask yourself “how the fuck did this person even make it this far”
I regret to inform you that if you think I’m bullshitting here, you may just need to look in the mirror and confront the fact you are in the 60% group…
Mate you just blew 1/7th of what you made today on two fucking drinks
Then they’d ask me if I wanna get drinks with them after work.
Yeah, these types of expenditures are fucking huge. You don’t even need to cut out drinking after work with friends, simply move it to your living room. You now spend <$10/person for the whole night rather than $70+ per person.
5 is incorrect. Most people have an unpaid lunch, not part of the 8 hour workday, so that’s 4 hours left to do everything else.
Because you used your weekend researching,shopping and meal prepping, meals only take ten minutes to take out and get ready, but you skipped actually eating which is 30 minutes for dinner, and 10 for breakfast. If you have a family dinner is an hour, breakfast is 30 min.
No family - 3hr20min
With family -2hr30min
Housework- you say 20 minutes which for men is pretty accurate - they average 19 minutes a day, but women average 49 minutes a day.
Single Men down to 3hr
Women with families down to 1hr40min
The average time it takes to fall asleep is 10-20 minutes. That’s not part of the 8 hours. 15min
Add 15 minutes for using the toilet a day 6-7 times urinating (average) plus hand washing. Minus 1/3 happens at work. 10 min. Add 5 minutes to poop. 15min
Additional grooming - the absolute minimum is to brush your teeth twice a day, dry and brush your hair, do a professional style, coordinate a professional outfit, iron, and dress. Nail clipping, sunscreen, whatever. This stuff takes time. 15 min absolute minimum a day if you have low standards for your appearance and don’t have a very professional job. Up to an hour if you do.
That’s 45 minutes minimum (though realistically you’re not doing all of that at Max efficiency every day.
Single Men down to 2hr15min
Women with families down to 55 min
any additional chores (maybe not daily, but at least once a week you have to do an unusual task like replacing work clothes, buying medicine, home repair/maintenance, oil change, need a coat. Maybe some weeks there’s nothing, but other weeks, three things happen.
So if your boss calls you for a scheduling issue, or you want to bathe your child, or your pet throws up, you’re easily down to no time at all for yourself after you’ve slaved away for maximum efficiency.
Forget volunteering. Forget religion. Forget getting to know your kids, or dating, or self improvement.
I cannot imagine a world where I think regular average people have enough leisure time.
I can easily see that kids will eat your time like crazy, but otherwise? I have 5-6 hours of free time a day during the week, 8hrs of work, 8hrs of sleep (including the 30-60m it takes me to fall asleep), 30m lunch break, 2x25m commute. Like 5 mins spent making food in the evening (either just bread in which case it’s even less, or just something quick like noodles. 10-15 mins if I feel like making the sauce myself). Eating is semi-free time since I’ll usually watch something during. 5 mins of shopping on the way home every 2 days or so. 10 mins or so for brushing teeth in total since i tend to space out during. 1min quick shower that doesn’t touch my hair. 1-2 mins brushing hair. Once or twice a week 20-30min shower including washing and drying hair to be dry enough. Take out trash like once a week takes 5 mins max.
There are some things where I save time by using money (vacuum robot, eating out for lunch, grabbing food from the bakery when I’m too hungry to skip breakfast like I usually do), but that wouldn’t even add up to an hour a day.
I still think everyone should work less because imo it’s very possible to do without leading to deficits in anyones life. But like wtf are people doing.
Separate from this conversation I’m guessing you’re pretty young based on your response, and I want to just ask if you’re doing ok.
Like bread and noodles for dinner and skipping breakfast, not getting 8 hours of sleep… I hope you’re doing well and remembering to take care of yourself. Veggies and protein are important! Even if you’re just opening a can of beans and a can of carrots, you should give your body something more than grains. Seems like you don’t like up put a lot of effort into dinner so I’d at least suggest those frozen bags of veggies that you microwave in the bag they come in to steam them. Aldi has them pretty cheap!
My job is at a computer. A height adjustable desk and a walking treadmill have revolutionized my life, so good call there.
Shower may be 30 minutes, but you forget the time it takes to mentally prepare to shower. You forget the time spent staring at yourself in the mirror going over every flaw and or singing and dancing. And then once in the shower the time it takes to stand under the hot water and go over old arguments to come up with the ideal comebacks you should have said. When else am I supposed to do that.
Though lately I’ve been using my tablet to watch TV in the shower, so this increases my shower time to about 40 minutes, but I also knock watching TV shows off my list. That was on the list right?
Most people probably don’t have to vacuum every day. personally my family keeps bringing home animals. Animals with hair. I’ve found I do need to vacuum every day and it’s still not enough and all my clothes are always covered in cat hair and they get into my feet as sharp little hair splinters. Please send help.
If you live alone then sure that leaves you five hours. If you have kids you’d better spend those five hours with your family! You get maybe one hour after they go to bed, if you’re lucky and they went to bed on time and stayed there. You’re probably going to need to take the time away from sleepy time.
And weekends are when you make up for that sleep deficit. Oh wait, you can’t. The kids get up early and need breakfast. The dogs need to eat and go out. Your wife made plans for all of you. Enjoy your day with the in-laws. What was that you were saying about glazing over?
If i didn’t have any free time to myself possible when I was making minimum wage, how’d I manage to full clear so many video games while putting myself through school, or watch… God I actually don’t think I could count how many seasons of anime.
Guess it was all just a dream?
To be honest I’ve found the more money I make the less time I have, cuz I keep buying shit that takes up more and more of my time. I should probably consider decluttering a bit…
From 6am to 6pm every action I have to take is in service of the job I have. My alarm goes off because I have to be up for my job, I need to shower and do all my morning routine stuff for my job. I am out the door just after 7 to have enough time to snag a breakfast sandwich and some bottled tea for breakfast, for a 45 min commute into work, work for about 4 hrs, get an hour for lunch where about 10 minutes is spent walking from my desk somewhere nearby for food, about 40 minutes for ordering, waiting for and the eating food for the same ~10 min walk back to the office for another about 4 hrs of work before the ~15 min it takes to pay for parking and leave the building for another 45 min commute putting me back home at about 6pm before I change into my comfy clothes. Now. I have less than 4 hours before the exhaustion finally fully sets in an I go to sleep. And some dinner would be nice so that’s another hour or more.
I broke down my daily schedule. Jesus fuck read the entire fucking comment.
This is the reality of a corporate job.
If I didn’t have an 8-5 with 1hr lunch break job I wouldn’t be setting my alarm for 6am to give me eblugh time for my morning routine, I wouldn’t commute for 45 min each way, I wouldn’t spend an hour for lunch close to the office.
Yeah the job on the clock is 8 hours but it’s 4 extra hours of doing shit to get ready for, and going to and from between home and the office.
I don’t know if you just straight up didn’t read what I wrote or what, but if you go back a reread my proof posts, you’ll see nothing you wrote has anything to do with anything I actually said.
No, I and everyone else in this thread read what you wrote and all of us are calling you out as a dumbass because you don’t understand how every additional step in a schedule acts as a time sink that robs hours from the day.
Not everyone, but yeah yall are echo chamber’ing hard
Some people gotta grow up and stop blaming the world for their problems. If you seriously don’t have time in the day, you need to stop and assess wtf you are doing wrong or assess what things that fundamentally are personal time that you have categorized as a chore.
Like already several people in this very thread have categorized going to the gym as some kind of chore/non personal time.
If you are reclassifying what is obviously extra curricular personal time as not counting, you have probably fucked up your outlook on your day.
You likely are falling prey to feeling like you have to do the things you used to love, and slowly things that used to be personal time have become chores in your mind.
And that is why you no longer feel like you have time left in the day.
If you are super busy trying to come up with a snippy reply, just fucking stop and actually, really go sit and think about this.
Everyone does this and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, but everyone has to periodically stop and assess “have I ‘chore’ified’ stuff in my life that I used to live?”
There’s almost always something that fits this bill, and that’s quite often a very large chunk of your missing time in the day.
Well 1/3 of those meals is inside your 8 hours of work
Many jobs easily hit 10k steps, if yours doesn’t consider a treadmill.
Let’s say 2 hrs of commute total. If your job us more than that, re-assess your choices.
Dinner can get solved by just meal prepping and thinking ahead. So 10 minutes to warm up a prepped dinner.
Breakfast is often very easy as a meal, maybe 10 minutes spent on it.
Shower is 30 minutes.
You don’t need to vacuum your house every day, wtf lol.
So that still leaves you 5 hours for cleaning/tidying, and personal time.
And thats on weekdays, why do people that post this sorta stuff always glaze over weekends existing.
5 hours to live the rest of your life day to day.
What if you want to work out? That leaves 3.5 hours. 30 minutes to put together breakfast and dinner. 2.5 hours. Any errands you need to run? House or yard? Family or kids? God forbid you want to take care of yourself at all.
Yeah…their complaints are completely valid.
Because people use the weekend to recover from the week, some of us are chronically ill you know? And are trying not to have another burnout. (Yeah I already had 2 and I’m not even 40, yay capitalism)
I already covered breakfast and dinner mate.
Working out is personal time yes, you are now engaging in extracurricular activities and… what? Complaining you don’t have more time for extracurricular activities because you spent your time on extracurricular activities?
You shouldn’t need to run errands every single day, if that is happening that’s an organizational you problem, figure your shit out better.
I already covered chores. You aren’t cleaning your entire house every day, if that is happening once again that is a you problem.
Normal people maybe tops spend 20 minutes tidying per day, with one big day of tidying on weekends for 3 hours or so tops.
If you are spending more than 20 minutes tidying every single day, you need to re-assess how you live your life. Stop being so messy.
Taking care of yourself, spending time with family, enjoying life, all easily fits into 4 hours on weekdays
You then get 2 entire days on weekends to also spend an extra 8 hours+ on personal time.
I dunno what to tell you, stop mowing your yard everyday I guess? You only need to mow every 2-3 weeks?
Like wtf are you talking about lol
Well here’s a lot of people’s schedules:
8 hours for sleep. 30 minutes to get up and get ready, 30 minutes for breakfast and cleanup, 30 minutes to work, 8 hours work + a 1 hour unpaid lunch, 30 minute drive home, 15 minutes to swap out of work clothes and 1 hour work our plus 15 minutes to get undressed and cleaned up, 30 minutes to make/eat dinner. That’s like 2.5 hours for any sort of you time.
If you think 2.5 hours of personal time per day is acceptable, more power to you. Most people don’t. Sure, you get the weekend but most people out of chores and errands until then, and you don’t really get any sort of necessary downtime.
…that last 2.5 hours quickly disappears when you have any sort of family. The next question becomes, do you think 2.5 hours with your kids and wife is enough time to develop a great relationship?
3.5, why do people work out for an hour and then pretend that didn’t count as personal time.
That literally was how you chose to spend your personal time lol. You spent almost a third of your personal time working out, why the fuck do you think you have less…?
3.5hrs of personal time is plenty.
Also even then, you shouldn’t be going to the gym every single day
I’m not a gym rat but even I know you are supposed to take breaks every couple days.
People keep bringing things you only do some dats to the table and treating them as something you do every day.
“What about 30 minutes of vacuuming” and stuff lile that. MATE, do you vacuum your house every day?! What in the hell lol
3.5hrs on weekdays and 11.5 hrs on weekends is tonnes of personal time.
Maybe spend less time doom scrolling on Instagram or something, I dunno.
This is just goofy. I’m not going to say your wrong for thinking that 2.5-3.5 hours is remotely acceptable to live a healthy and fulfilling life during the weekday. Many people would disagree with you and would like more time to spend with family, to develop themselves, to disengage from work, to relax, to explore, to learn. I’m not going to fault people for wanting more from life.
I also would love a million dollars.
But everything you mentioned isn’t the discussion
It’s people going “I don’t have time for anything”, mate, you do.
Honestly today so many people I know who complain about having zero spare time also are sending me memes on Instagram and shit all the time simultaneously.
Like, I also fuck around on my phone for an hour or two every day.
But at least I don’t try and bullshit and pretend that’s not what I’m spending my free time on
Like if you complain about not having free time via the act of posting about it on social media you are already kinda outting yourself on where your free time magically went to…
Stop bullshitting, you’re doom scrolling on your phone, we all are
The only difference between us is I’m not posting pretending I don’t lol
If you really can’t figure out how on earth you fit a 20 minute vacuum into your day and post about it on Twitter, can you maybe guess what my first advice is probably gonna be…? >_>;
Your post glazed over:
By your own admission and being generous with the above, we spend more than 80% of our time subsisting, which becomes increasingly more difficult the less money you make. What happens to Saturday shopping and meal prep when your paycheck is monday and you had a big expense that ate up what little savings you had?
You’re making the rich man’s equivalent argument of “just don’t be poor”. Even if the numbers aren’t exactly as she put it, the point remains the same. This is /r/personalfinance level disillusionment
No, I was saying using it during work if it’s a sedentary job. It’s becoming pretty normalized for people to use treadmills + standing desks for a couple hours a day at their desk jobs, if needed.
I use one and easily hit 15k steps literally just sitting in on zoom meetings, for example. Makes it less boring.
This should be something that only comes up 1-2 times a month and takes like 5 minutes. And thats if you haven’t bothered to just setup automatic payments. If you spend more than 5 minutes on this sorta stuff maybe you are just bad with tech? It’s literally 6 button clicks for me to pay my phone bill right now.
You shouldn’t be grocery shopping every. sngle. day.
Maybe the reason people in here struggle so much with their time is it sounds like they have no capacity to plan out and get all there weeks worth of errands done in 1 single outting on Saturday afternoon.
I go out early Saturday, get my errands done for the whole week, and get home and meal prep it for the whole week.
I usually have an entire month of meal prep in the deep freeze of various meals. I prep a month of food each week but a different meal, that way I usually have 4-5 totally different things in the freezer to mix and match.
Then all my meals take literally 3 minutes to warm up anytime I wanna save time.
I still make nice meals, usually on days where no other tasks were needed and I have extra time.
I’ve been deeply entrenched in poverty. I worked as a dishwasher in kitchens for 5 years getting myself through school. I had barely anything to my name, I lived in a shit apartment, I didn’t own a vehicle, I didn’t even own a bike for awhile.
I still had no issues saving my money and setting funds aside.
Every. Single. Person. I have ever met who complained about money, and I met countless people working in kitchens over 5 years, from all walks off life, all had 1 thing in common.
They spent money in really stupid fuckin shit. They talked about how they had no money but they smoked or drank, or drove to work from 20 blocks away, or got speeding tickets, or smoked weed, or went out partying every weekend, or showed up to work with a monster energy drink and a pepperoni every morning, etc etc etc etc.
You know how many fuckin meals you can make yourself for the same cost as one energy drink a day?
I have never met someone who complains about money that I haven’t been able to point out dumb shit I personally watched them buy.
But I point that out and I’m the asshole. Dude. Just fuckin stop buying stupid shit, stop wasting your money.
At first I really thought some people just truly were fucked but… no, I saw way way way to many people living life like this to just realize that… no.
The average person os stupid as fuck when it comes to managing their money. They’ll drop $4 on a single energy drink and then complain that potatoes are $1.75 now.
B r u h.
Everyone can tell your economic background from your comment. Now youre just making the boomer avocado argument. People should he able to afford amenities and shouldn’t have to grind that hard for small things. Our parents and grandparents sure as fuck didnt.
People aren’t having trouble making ends meet because theyre buying energy drinks. Thats the view the media wants you to have to you turn your anger towards them. People forget the first country the nazis invaded was their own.
I told you my economic background whether you wanna believe it or not.
I’ve personally worked with dozens of people that literally fit this exact description.
Dudes that would unironically chug 2 monsters a day and then complain about how tight money was.
Mate you just blew 1/7th of what you made today on two fucking drinks
Then they’d ask me if I wanna get drinks with them after work.
These are extremely real people and honestly, the quantity of people I met who lived like this VASTLY outnumbered people closer to my lifestyle.
Simple shit love me going “I don’t drink” “I don’t party” “I don’t smoke” “I don’t have a car, I walk to work” and etc would fucking blow people’s minds.
“What do you do all weekend???” “Uh, play video games, work out, read, watch anime, go for hikes, pick up extra shifts…?”
Also don’t even get me started on the even worse people that constantly always complained about money, yet always were trying to get other people to take their shifts for them, get cut early, etc.
“I don’t understand why I’m not getting any shifts” Mate you literally keep giving them to other people, you understand you actually have to work to get paid right?
Sorry but this was like easy 60% of people I constantly dealt with at every fuckin job I worked. You get like 20% of people busting ass actually giving a fuck. 20% quiet folks that work and keep to themselves, and then like 60% of people that you honestly have to ask yourself “how the fuck did this person even make it this far”
I regret to inform you that if you think I’m bullshitting here, you may just need to look in the mirror and confront the fact you are in the 60% group…
Yeah, these types of expenditures are fucking huge. You don’t even need to cut out drinking after work with friends, simply move it to your living room. You now spend <$10/person for the whole night rather than $70+ per person.
deleted by creator
5 is incorrect. Most people have an unpaid lunch, not part of the 8 hour workday, so that’s 4 hours left to do everything else.
Because you used your weekend researching,shopping and meal prepping, meals only take ten minutes to take out and get ready, but you skipped actually eating which is 30 minutes for dinner, and 10 for breakfast. If you have a family dinner is an hour, breakfast is 30 min. No family - 3hr20min With family -2hr30min
Housework- you say 20 minutes which for men is pretty accurate - they average 19 minutes a day, but women average 49 minutes a day. Single Men down to 3hr Women with families down to 1hr40min
The average time it takes to fall asleep is 10-20 minutes. That’s not part of the 8 hours. 15min Add 15 minutes for using the toilet a day 6-7 times urinating (average) plus hand washing. Minus 1/3 happens at work. 10 min. Add 5 minutes to poop. 15min Additional grooming - the absolute minimum is to brush your teeth twice a day, dry and brush your hair, do a professional style, coordinate a professional outfit, iron, and dress. Nail clipping, sunscreen, whatever. This stuff takes time. 15 min absolute minimum a day if you have low standards for your appearance and don’t have a very professional job. Up to an hour if you do. That’s 45 minutes minimum (though realistically you’re not doing all of that at Max efficiency every day. Single Men down to 2hr15min Women with families down to 55 min
any additional chores (maybe not daily, but at least once a week you have to do an unusual task like replacing work clothes, buying medicine, home repair/maintenance, oil change, need a coat. Maybe some weeks there’s nothing, but other weeks, three things happen.
So if your boss calls you for a scheduling issue, or you want to bathe your child, or your pet throws up, you’re easily down to no time at all for yourself after you’ve slaved away for maximum efficiency.
Forget volunteering. Forget religion. Forget getting to know your kids, or dating, or self improvement.
I cannot imagine a world where I think regular average people have enough leisure time.
I can easily see that kids will eat your time like crazy, but otherwise? I have 5-6 hours of free time a day during the week, 8hrs of work, 8hrs of sleep (including the 30-60m it takes me to fall asleep), 30m lunch break, 2x25m commute. Like 5 mins spent making food in the evening (either just bread in which case it’s even less, or just something quick like noodles. 10-15 mins if I feel like making the sauce myself). Eating is semi-free time since I’ll usually watch something during. 5 mins of shopping on the way home every 2 days or so. 10 mins or so for brushing teeth in total since i tend to space out during. 1min quick shower that doesn’t touch my hair. 1-2 mins brushing hair. Once or twice a week 20-30min shower including washing and drying hair to be dry enough. Take out trash like once a week takes 5 mins max.
There are some things where I save time by using money (vacuum robot, eating out for lunch, grabbing food from the bakery when I’m too hungry to skip breakfast like I usually do), but that wouldn’t even add up to an hour a day.
I still think everyone should work less because imo it’s very possible to do without leading to deficits in anyones life. But like wtf are people doing.
Separate from this conversation I’m guessing you’re pretty young based on your response, and I want to just ask if you’re doing ok.
Like bread and noodles for dinner and skipping breakfast, not getting 8 hours of sleep… I hope you’re doing well and remembering to take care of yourself. Veggies and protein are important! Even if you’re just opening a can of beans and a can of carrots, you should give your body something more than grains. Seems like you don’t like up put a lot of effort into dinner so I’d at least suggest those frozen bags of veggies that you microwave in the bag they come in to steam them. Aldi has them pretty cheap!
A few points-
My job is at a computer. A height adjustable desk and a walking treadmill have revolutionized my life, so good call there.
Shower may be 30 minutes, but you forget the time it takes to mentally prepare to shower. You forget the time spent staring at yourself in the mirror going over every flaw and or singing and dancing. And then once in the shower the time it takes to stand under the hot water and go over old arguments to come up with the ideal comebacks you should have said. When else am I supposed to do that. Though lately I’ve been using my tablet to watch TV in the shower, so this increases my shower time to about 40 minutes, but I also knock watching TV shows off my list. That was on the list right?
Most people probably don’t have to vacuum every day. personally my family keeps bringing home animals. Animals with hair. I’ve found I do need to vacuum every day and it’s still not enough and all my clothes are always covered in cat hair and they get into my feet as sharp little hair splinters. Please send help.
If you live alone then sure that leaves you five hours. If you have kids you’d better spend those five hours with your family! You get maybe one hour after they go to bed, if you’re lucky and they went to bed on time and stayed there. You’re probably going to need to take the time away from sleepy time.
And weekends are when you make up for that sleep deficit. Oh wait, you can’t. The kids get up early and need breakfast. The dogs need to eat and go out. Your wife made plans for all of you. Enjoy your day with the in-laws. What was that you were saying about glazing over?
tl;dr - This is in fact possible if you are a joyless robot
All of my time was the mandatory parts.
The remaining 4 hours is the fun parts, but I never claimed it’s four hours straight.
Obviously yeah, some fun there, some fun here, but 4 hours a day of straight up extracurricular time, on weekdays, is tonnes to be fine.
Whether that’s sounding time with your family, singing in the shower, jerking off, or taking a nap, whatever.
If I’m showering that day (if I have to go to the office) my shower is six minutes or less hahaha
If I’m showering on a non-office day, the mental preparation is indeed a very long time. But my actual shower is still under ten minutes.
Man, life would be so much easier if I liked the taste of boot half as much as you do.
The other comments summed up the fallacies of your “argument” nicely, so no need to repeat them.
Maybe just get good?
If i didn’t have any free time to myself possible when I was making minimum wage, how’d I manage to full clear so many video games while putting myself through school, or watch… God I actually don’t think I could count how many seasons of anime.
Guess it was all just a dream?
To be honest I’ve found the more money I make the less time I have, cuz I keep buying shit that takes up more and more of my time. I should probably consider decluttering a bit…
From 6am to 6pm every action I have to take is in service of the job I have. My alarm goes off because I have to be up for my job, I need to shower and do all my morning routine stuff for my job. I am out the door just after 7 to have enough time to snag a breakfast sandwich and some bottled tea for breakfast, for a 45 min commute into work, work for about 4 hrs, get an hour for lunch where about 10 minutes is spent walking from my desk somewhere nearby for food, about 40 minutes for ordering, waiting for and the eating food for the same ~10 min walk back to the office for another about 4 hrs of work before the ~15 min it takes to pay for parking and leave the building for another 45 min commute putting me back home at about 6pm before I change into my comfy clothes. Now. I have less than 4 hours before the exhaustion finally fully sets in an I go to sleep. And some dinner would be nice so that’s another hour or more.
That’s not a job anymore mate, ngl.
I hope it brings you an extremely deep sense of fulfillment, joy, and satisfaction.
Or it pays you enough money you can retire by the time you are 30.
Or it’s one of those “1 month on 1 month off” kinda jobs.
Otherwise wtf.
I broke down my daily schedule. Jesus fuck read the entire fucking comment.
This is the reality of a corporate job.
If I didn’t have an 8-5 with 1hr lunch break job I wouldn’t be setting my alarm for 6am to give me eblugh time for my morning routine, I wouldn’t commute for 45 min each way, I wouldn’t spend an hour for lunch close to the office.
Yeah the job on the clock is 8 hours but it’s 4 extra hours of doing shit to get ready for, and going to and from between home and the office.
None of what you said is in antecedent to what I said.
I still stand by everything I said.
Cool, if you know my schedule so well, then where are those 5 additional hours in the day? Because I’m not seeing them in my schedule.
And do you even know what the word antecedent even means?
I don’t know if you just straight up didn’t read what I wrote or what, but if you go back a reread my proof posts, you’ll see nothing you wrote has anything to do with anything I actually said.
And still continues to be so lol.
No, I and everyone else in this thread read what you wrote and all of us are calling you out as a dumbass because you don’t understand how every additional step in a schedule acts as a time sink that robs hours from the day.
Not everyone, but yeah yall are echo chamber’ing hard
Some people gotta grow up and stop blaming the world for their problems. If you seriously don’t have time in the day, you need to stop and assess wtf you are doing wrong or assess what things that fundamentally are personal time that you have categorized as a chore.
Like already several people in this very thread have categorized going to the gym as some kind of chore/non personal time.
If you are reclassifying what is obviously extra curricular personal time as not counting, you have probably fucked up your outlook on your day.
You likely are falling prey to feeling like you have to do the things you used to love, and slowly things that used to be personal time have become chores in your mind.
And that is why you no longer feel like you have time left in the day.
If you are super busy trying to come up with a snippy reply, just fucking stop and actually, really go sit and think about this.
Everyone does this and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, but everyone has to periodically stop and assess “have I ‘chore’ified’ stuff in my life that I used to live?”
There’s almost always something that fits this bill, and that’s quite often a very large chunk of your missing time in the day.