If you’re an educator, there’s nothing quite as rewarding as being ordered around by a former WWF exec…
“You need not learn to think, you need only learn to be a productive wage slave”
Thanks, no
Its not even that. People like McMahon don’t even know what are good jobs, they live in some imaginary world, some historic America that never existed. They are turning the American economy around, towards some bizarre imaginary mirage.
People who have never studies math, promoting math. People who have never worked a blue collar job, promoting blue collar jobs. People who don’t read, shaping literacy programs. People who send their kids to small private schools, dictating public school policy.
She laid out the three convictions staffers will need to have: parents should choose their children’s education; taxpayer-funded schools are for math and reading, “not divisive DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] programs and gender ideology;” and postsecondary education should be for creating well-paying jobs useful to the workforce.
I guess red-state voters are still too well educated for Republican tastes.
postsecondary education should be for creating well-paying jobs useful to the workforce.
So all Universities should be replaced with trade schools, is how I read that.
Shit. I know shit’s bad right now, with all that tarrif bullshit, and the measels outbreak, and we are running out of eggs and avacodoes. But I got a solution.
Honestly, Trump and Musk could learn a lot from Camacho and Not Sure.