school shootings became prevalent only after the introduction of Prozac
It’s also worth noting that shortly following the introduction of Prozac, Arby’s added curly fries to their menu and the ninja turtles exploded in popularity.
There was also a drastic decline in seafaring pirates leading up to the sudden rise in school shootings.
Ironic, because the cure for depression is pizza with Arby’s curly fries on it.
If we lose the curly fries, I revolt.
I’m revolting as it is.
School shootings have been around loooooong before SSRIs were invented.
Facts don’t matter. Didn’t you know that?
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Less than 20% of school shooters were on SSRIs at the time, but sure brain worm guy.
It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with our culture glorifying violence as the solution in tons of entertainment and a massive amount of guns readily available. Not our culture that puts all value on the individual and down plays community. The culture that works to isolate and divide people and vilifies collective action. No, it’s DEFINITELY a pill’s fault.
I think the culture thing is actually also tenuous.
IMHO, what we have is a society that doesn’t actually respect or care for children in any meaningful way. We blame them for being children, fill their heads with increasingly toxic religious nonsense, and now we’re teaching them that lies and hate speech are totally acceptable.
So what if they see a Rambo movie? If anything it probably gave them a 90 minute respite from feeling worthless and abandoned.
For my daughter they work by eleviating her generalized anxiety and severe panic attacks
She gets to just be a kid again
Yes, children were never violent before prozac.