Dude is just another example of organized religion protecting pedos.
I don’t envy a kid who suddently gets chosen to be the head of a religion.
Is the panchen lama still imprisoned in China? How will they find the next Dalai lama?
He is most probably dead or the spirit of the Dalai Lama died in him.
It’s doubtful that they killed him, he was just a kid when they took him. They have him squirrelled away somewhere, having gone through heavy indoctrination. Just waiting for the Dali Lama to die.
Theres only so many places with concentrations of tibetan buddhists. it wont be India, china, or tibet. That leaves Mongolia or Russia.
My insane prediction:
The next Dalai Lama will be born to the one random Tibetan Buddhist family living in a small town in rural Alabama.
Of course, is I was the Lama, I would throw a curve ball and come back as transgender Nigerian woman, just to mix things up.
unlikely, he clearly said, free world.
What would be really cool, was if the kid didn’t belong to a Tibetan buddhist family. It was just some random kid in rural Alabama. Think about it: “We have found the 15th Dalai Lama! It’s a boy called Billybob Jackson”
I thought he was born in Arlen, TX?
Just wondering, is he gonna have a father that sells propane and a Laotian GF?
Not Alabama, but there is a Lama from Minnesota
That doesn’t rhyme tho.
If you ascribe to the idea that the Dalaï Llama is/was a cia operative, and a sort of bridge/conduit between the interests of East and West, this sets up quite the “lottery” for where power may shift.
Because his followers are quite far and wide, not just of “race” (and I use that very loosely), it creates a very powerful base that will follow a sort of leader.
Interesting timing, especially since his long time friend the Aga Khan just passed away.
“Little Buddha” staring Bridget Fonda , chris Isaak and Keanu Reves in black face
I guess that rules out the US.
At the rate things are going, the kid’s gonna need to be born off-planet.
He’s actually making a political statement, imho, though. He’s attempting to prevent China’s inevitable attempt to replace him with one of their own.
China already took custody of the young Panchen Lama, who plays an integral part in identifying the reincarnated Dalai Lama.
I’d say their attempt to replace him is more than inevitable – it’s already underway.
Ironically musk starting a servitude-built Mars colony and then the next religious leader that can just exist in a vacuum without dying or breathing is born there or something, is basically where I’m putting my faith in this timeline I live in; because it appears logic and human compassion were cool ideas when more people were using psychedelic drugs.
Well, I was born before things really went south, for example. He didn’t specify it had to be “free” currently…?
The Bitcoin reserve might be the closest thing to property rights the US has achieved in a century. Its been 10 years of stealing peoples gold and purchasing power, in order to deliver stellar bailouts to risky bankers and hedge funds.
It’s not a bitcoin reserve it’s a corrupt shitcoin reserve so that musk and pals can pilfer US dollars. Do you really just believe everything the proven liar says?
Well they’re keeping all their confiscated shitcoins, and they’re finding a budget neutral way to buy additional Bitcoin, according to the white house website.
As far as pilfering, the money supply grows at nearly 10% a year, gold prices rise 10% a year, housing a bit less; but its still a great store of value. If you believe in housing bubbles that gatekeep necessary goods behind 30 year loans, and you believe in misallocated capital that requires progressively larger bailouts, then the existing system works great.
Oh, well if it’s on the White House website it’s definitely not a lie!
They’re going to force the US to buy it from them at a high cost, when the economy tanks and the coin doesn’t they’ll buy everything back for a fraction of what it would cost otherwise.
Shit, they’re onto me.
You’re unborn fetish?
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Alright first one to Suck my tongue is the next Dalai Lama!
His holiness, the great pedophile.
Ah, nothing but a bit of casual racism on your left wing platform.
whats racist about making fun of someone who asked a child to suck their tongue? are you defending that?
Seemed like cognitive decline to me when he did that. My grandma started making rape allegations near her end and saying absolutely unhinged sexual nonsense.
I tend to agree. The man has worked all his live to bring Buddhism closer to the West and this was the single worst thing he did and, very likley, be the one thing that people will remember first.
After years and years of build relationships and beeing seen as a wildes positive figure. Bit of a shame, what he has to say is valid and important, at least in my opinion. But alas, this was a fucking Desaster for him. And I very much don’t think he’s a pedophile. But in this day and age, with all this hyper sexualisierted westerners, with its complete lack of nuance and social media, it was the worst thing he could have done. China will have done everything to amplify the message to, which for sure doesn’t help.
The man has worked all his live to bring Buddhism closer to the West
The man is a CIA stooge who hasn’t done anything productive in his life. He’s the closest you could get to an exiled Marie Antoinette crying about the rights of French people being oppressed after they kicked her out. He wants to bring back feudalism and essentially slavery to Tibet because he would be part of the few nobles reaping all the benefits.
Sure buddy. Sure.
wanted to say the same, that behavior just screams loss of inhibition because of frontal brain matter loss a.k.a. dementia
What you are doing here is using the western culture as a benchmark to judge the culture of another region. Not everything is seen trough a sexual lens, that’s just your western mindset doing that.
You can read about it here, for example.
So its a common greeting but the tongue sucking was teasing? I hate to see the other ways he teases kids.
Seriously though, I dont think its racism. Maybe its part of the culture and he’s honest saying there’s no sexual intention but also I think pedophiles have a history of saying this isn’t what it looks like when called out.
But he didn’t say that. Others have defended him, yes.
The Dalai Lama hinself apologised for the joke and acknowledged that it must have sounded strange for a western audience.
The mother of the boy was sitting in true audience and she wasn’t offended by it at all. She defended the Dalai Lama. That in of itself doesn’t mean anything, I have to admit. If you’re in a cult you tend to close your eyes to abuse. But take a closer look at the whole situation:
Of course, it could be possible that the person whon spent his live reaching out to the West, preaching about love and kindness, decided to make a very puplic statement about his pedophile nature while beeing on a stage surrounded by cameras. Or it was an interaction between two people of a different culture whom had an exchange that, admittedly, sounds strange to Western ears.
I know what I think is more likley here. Especially because there was nothing else after this. Usually, once a public person is called out for abusive behaviour, there will be some victims who are encouraged to break their silence. In this case? Nothing. Doesn’t that make you question your assumption of him beeing a pedo at least a bit?
Oblivious/unaware people can defend pedos.
Glad he apologized cos it was strange.
Yes, youre right. Her defending him means nothing here.
Plenty of examples in the past of pedos being pedos while cameras role.
Yes victims are encouraged to come forward but there’s no obligation. Maybe the victims are still very young or maybe they’re adults or maybe they dont exist, we dont know.
I won’t make an accusation without knowing more but I hope people who have the power to investigate do it.
No,but the dalai lama who is tibetan and is a believer in tibetan Buddhism which has child sex slaves for most of its existence is in fact a pedophile.
This is from someone with an East Asian mindset.
Sucking children’s tongues or vice versa is weird here in China too.
Alas, I think most of the world for most of recorded history has had child sex slaves.
So it’s not really a home run, more just an emotive appeal.
Have you seen the size of the “torture prison” in Lhasa where the atrocities of the Tibetan government were carried out?
Additional: Do we know how weird it was seen in Ü-Tsang, if not greater Tibet?
Oh that’s cheeky. China has control of the current Panchen Lama, don’t they?
Yeah they disappeared him and his family when he was just 6 years old, then announced a loyalist the new Panchen Llama. That was 30 years ago.
Hm, I think he failed his magic spell and we got DALL-E and Llama instead.
He becomes AI and is free – free of a physical body and physical limitations
Or the reincarnation of Winamp, who knows.
it’s cool that he can know these things
You can call it a cope but the writing is on the wall for them: the Dalai Lama either exists outside of China in the next generation or there is no next generation as the dictatorship exerts full control over them.
It’s over for them. Their temples have been torn down, their faith has become a political tool.
I assume you don’t believe in Buddhism, but if you do it makes sense. The Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of an enlightened being. Its like if jesus would have come back all the time instead of just once for a few days. (It’s not exactly like that and I’m not Buddhist)
If you actually read the words of the Buddha on reincarnation he was quite explicitly clear that he never endorsed the idea.
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Actually, anyone can make up stuff as much as they like.
Yes, but it’s the fanbase that matters.
Isn’t that the plot of little Buddha?
Please tell me that’s Bobby.
It is indeed, adult Bobby Hill!
Interesting. Fanfic or is this some Easter egg tucked away at sxsw this year?
Don’t know about that specific picture, but the premise of the KOTH revival airing later this year involves an adult Bobby working as a chef at a restaurant.
Might be a younger Bill
Mkay, so Peggy cheated on Hank? Lol
Planning on international child trafficking this time? Quite progressive abduction policy. Fucking Catholic Buddhist child abusers. How is it they get a pass? “Oh that whole tongue sucking thing was just a joke!” SMDH
Clarification: they are the Catholicism of Buddhism in my view (read up on the history of abuses they committed, cutting off peasants hands, gouging out eyes, regularly abducting kids from families)
Catholic buddhist?
Yeah they are an organized theocracy that regularly abused their power and children through history and exploited the peasants. It’s my own personal term for them since the parallels are too hard to ignore.
I think they mean “is bhuddist, acts catholic”