entry level job; salary range $30,000 - $150,000 depending on qualifications and experience; 10 yrs experience required; high school diploma required, Phd preferred
My last job had close to that range. There is a hiring range is typically 50-70% of the maximum. Below 50% is the developmental range for laddering underqualified internal hires. Over 70% is for very experienced, overqualified candidates. Generally employers won’t go more than 85% of max because they need a couple years of cushion for salary increases. If they hire at max they know the candidate is going to be back on the market in a year.
entry level job; salary range $30,000 - $150,000 depending on qualifications and experience; 10 yrs experience required; high school diploma required, Phd preferred
apply today!
Weird way to spell required
Sorry we’ve decided to move forward with other candidates (You’re not the VP’s son).
1 month later, the exact same job posting is listed again
New recruitment process, who this?
My last job had close to that range. There is a hiring range is typically 50-70% of the maximum. Below 50% is the developmental range for laddering underqualified internal hires. Over 70% is for very experienced, overqualified candidates. Generally employers won’t go more than 85% of max because they need a couple years of cushion for salary increases. If they hire at max they know the candidate is going to be back on the market in a year.
High school diploma is barely an entry barrier, completely reasonable IMO for anything other than a factory button-pusher.
“High school diploma required; PhD preferred” translates to “we’re only reading this application if you have a PhD or we get no other applicants”.
You missed the point
(We will always offer you pay on the lower end of the scale)