We’ve had quite a lot of Star Trek produced over the years! The last I had seen we’re well over 900 episodes and counting. There have definitely been a lot of episodes that weren’t that good, but we’ve also had quite a few episodes that are pretty great! What are your favorites?
I always have issues with narrowing things down, but these are the episodes that immediately spring to mind:
- DS9 1x19 Duet
- DS9 2x22 The Wire
- DS9 7x10 It’s Only a Paper Moon
- TOS 2x06 The Doomsday Machine
- TNG 3x03 The Survivors
After writing down those episodes and thinking about it a bit more, I also thought of these as well:
- DS9 4x19 Hard Time
- TNG 3x23 Sarek
- DS9 6x19 In the Pale Moonlight
- TOS 1x14 Balance of Terror
- TNG 2x09 The Measure of a Man
- DS9 4x02 The Visitor
- TNG 4x02 Family
There are certainly more I haven’t thought of so the list changes sometimes, but it’s at least the list of the episodes that I remember most!
I do remember that being a good episode. I like the Romulan ships too, the D’deridex is my favorite non Starfleet ship.
Probably my favorite ship in any universe, from the outside at least. Galaxy class my second.
I’ve always been partial to the Constitution, preferably the TOS but also the SNW version. The Ambassador is another, and I also like the Crossfield other than the spinning saucer and ultra long naceles!
I’ve always been partial to the Miranda, as well.