Because AI software isn’t ground breaking and is actually useless
I had some use of it. It is really good at summing and organizing a bunch of text.
Yes AI has good uses, it made my job faster, I can now focus on more important things because I’m not wasting time with bullshit that AI can do in a seccond.
But you can’t say that on Lemmy, here it’s all useless, a scam and gave my dog AIDS.
A lot of people here on Lemmy keeps saying that AI is bad because it failed one task it wasn’t built for. Or because it can’t do everything. I don’t get it.
maybe go for a “its bad because of the return on investment” angle? for the amount of literal billions we have thrown at it, perhaps its ok to expect more. if you gave me a mere couple of billion, i’d make healthy lunches for school kids to foster education and health outcomes (2-4-1!)
I haven’t spent billions on it, so it is not a bad ROI for me. Perhaps it is for those who has invested in creating OpenAI, LLama etc, I am not one of them.
Spending the same amount of money to create a better world would be ideal. But if the money was not spent on AI development does not mean that it would be spent on anything better. That is also a discussion about the money spent on AI and if it has been worth it (a discussion very much wroth having), it does not diminish the usefulness of AIs.
How many billions (in today’s money) were spent on going to the moon? What about the billions poured into refining the internal combustion engine? The billions that have gone into making and running massive particle accelerators?
Technology is constantly advancing and we often don’t know where it’ll take us until we get there.
Name one category of tasks that you would feel confident it can perform with at least a 90% success rate.
Translating text. I recently had to translate a bunch of architectural requirements into english. I honestly don’t know if uses GenAI or what. But the job was pretty much copy and paste. Occasionally I had to change a word because the connotation was a bit off, and a few times it got confused with tangled, run-in input and I had to rephrase whole sentences. I’m a native speaker in both languages and I estimate it would have taken me at least three times as long.
Improve text that I have written. With improve I mean change the text accodring to the specifications in the prompt provided to the AI.
Here are a few more:
- Since ChatGPT has parsed most of the puplic internet, it can be useful when trying to find information about something that is very obscure - (for example settings for an old or not as used software), where my ordinary searches has failed me.
- In addition to the previous one, it can be good way to find better search terms.
- Write repeated text with slight variations that I could do myself but an AI can do instantly.
- Translate and XSD (XML specification) into another structure (for example classes when writing code).
- Create macros for World of Warcraft.
- Explain errors outputed buy some software (ties into the first two).
I am sure there are other usecases that I could not think of.
Is the money, time and energy spent to create a tool that can do this worth it? That is perhaps the question want to ask and perhaps your answer is no.
So good in fact that apple spawned a whole new category of memes making fun of how badly that works.
The idea that Japan was ever more technologically advanced than the US is a tough argument to make. Perhaps they had better consumer and transportation technologies, but the US led the world in nearly all other forms of technology (see silicon valley, NASA, US defense technology, etc). It’s cool the hate on the US but there’s a reason it was the world super power for decades. It’s too bad it’s turning into an anti-science christo-facist kelptocracy.
I think it’s mostly that they did way better than the US in terms of making many consumer technology products widely available at a higher quality and better cost than the US did. Like, Japanese brands were huge for televisions, audio equipment and similar goods. I can think of several that were the go to brands for TVs when I was growing up, but I can’t think of a single US-based manufacturer, even a crappy one.
They also did way better in terms of building out internet access and public transport than the US has done.
It might only be within a few limited sectors, but when those sectors account for the vast majority of peoples’ interactions with technology, it’s going to have a far greater impact on their perceptions of relative advancement.
Also, in the pre-internet days, it probably helped that non-Japanese people largely didn’t see all the ways that Japan can be an extremely conservative country, like their reliance on fax machines long after pretty much every other country with the means to do so had almost entirely left them behind as obsolete.
RCA, Westinghouse, and Zenith used to be big American TV manufacturers. Westinghouse and zenith were the cheaper brands, but RCA used to make some high end models.
I mean, I know there had to have been some, but 2/3 of those are out of business and weren’t competitive with their Japanese rivals, while Zenith’s most recent “notable product” on Wikipedia dates from the 1970s and has been a subsidiary of a Korean company for nearly 30 years.
And Curtis Mathis
yahoo, billion dollar missiles!
Yes we are good at those, also, in addition to most other tech.
Eh, they seemed to have better access to new tech like phones, though most of that seems to have shifted to Korea these days.
to be fair it’s always been a kleptocracy. literally founded on stolen land, with stolen labor. even after emancipation it kept the stolen labor tradition alive til now with increasing intensity.
honestly youd be pretty hard pressed to find a country now that wasnt previously stolen
different degrees, but yeah pretty much all land has been taken by force. still is. the difference is how though.
Ground breaking AI🤡
Defines “ages”. Blue leds came out of Japan somewhat recently and that’s pretty huge
Veritasium has an awesome video about the Japanese scientist that discovered blue LEDs, guy basically did it single handedly despite pushback from his boss. Absolutely insane scientific achievement
Japan still generally places more emphasis on quality over shitting out shiny new, overpriced garbage as fast as possible
dude had already swallowed the tech bs, thinks ai is the furthest advancement if technology when it can’t compete with ancient tech. literally can’t do what a calculator can do reliably. or a timer. or a calendar.
Please let’s try to keep generative AI from claiming the entire word “AI”.
Current generative AI is good at and built for mimicking patterns with boundary conditions.
This means it does a decent job of imitating authoritative knowledge, but it’s just mimicking it.
People are hyped for it because it looks knowledgeable, it’s relatively simple to make, and a lot of what we do is text based so it’s easy to apply.There are a lot of other types of AI, the majority even, that work significantly better, take a small fraction of the computing power and provide helpful and meaningful results. They just don’t look like anything other than complex math, which is all any of them are in the end.
A calculator, timer or calendar can’t help me write an essay. You are comparing tools meant for different tasks. At least build your argumentets on something reasonable.
Why argue with someone who isn’t intelligent enough to write their essays without mechanical assistance?
I want a more diverse discussion about LLM and AI, not the default ”AI bad” response that is so common here. :(
Then stop dismissing other people’s “argumentets”. Unfortunately, most AI proponents don’t realize that the AI use case that is being pushed by it’s makers and owners is not “a tool to assist users”, but “a tool for executives to replace humans”. Is it a dumb proposal? absolutely. It doesn’t reduce the moral responsibility of those promoting AI. They are supporting the destruction of people’s livelihoods to make the wealthiest human being in history slightly wealthier, and curse knowledge workers to poverty just like factory workers were in their time by the exact same political and economic class of soulless pricks.
If the argument want as you have laid it out, I would not dismiss it. But I cannot do that when the arguemnt is ”hammers in general are bad because I cannot use them to drive to work” or ”also your essay fucking sucks. learn to put together a coherent thought instead of relying on a glorified autocorrect that doesn’t have them at all to do it for you”. That second one is an actual quote.
What you bring up is how a few people is power are using AI to increase their wealth without regards for human suffering. I agree that what they are doing is wrong. And the discussion should be about how AI affects our society, how it is used and who controls it. This does not make AI a bad tool, it makes it a tool that can used in a bad way to cause a lot of harm.
“If the argument want as you have laid it out, I would not dismiss it.”
Your autocorrect software is failing you.
What is your argument? It is OK for a few people to hurt others, since you personally are benefiting, in a very small way, from the cruelty? That’s a shit argument to make.
If AI is “just a tool”, then how come it doesn’t do any of the things it is promised to do? The issue is not expecting “a hammer to drive to work”. The problem is that LLMs makers promised a car, you order one, and receive a screwdriver on the mail. Because “screwdrivers are just a tool, you can use it to assemble a car”. It’s a scam, it is fraud, it is lying and stealing from others to capitalize on bad tech.
If AI is just a tool, its an unethical and immoral tool.
I’m trying to say that one should call a fraud a fraud, not a bad screwdriver.
You want to have a discussion about the fraud? Don’t say that screwdriver suck, say that it did not do what is was advertised to do.It is OK for a few people to hurt others, since you personally are benefiting, in a very small way, from the cruelty?
That is not what I tried to say.
I wonder why anyone would want an “AI girlfriend” or whatever ridiculous thing tech bros are trying to shoehorn monetization into to capitalize on the pervasive disconnect in society today.
And then, when I read a post like yours, referring to someone like that, it all suddenly makes sense. Given the choice, I’d also rather spend time with unthinking silicon than an asshole who talks to people like you do.
Take an English class you illiterate gremlin.
Resource intense auto correct that does not understand the information it’s stringing together should not be used to write anything academically or professionally.
Learn to add together big numbers in your head
And that has to do with writing essays how?
A calculator, timer or calendar can’t help me write an essay.
Those are all tools, you’re bashing this guy for using one of them, so I’m bashing you for using a calculator. I’m pretty sure that you used one once in your life
Oh I see, you didn’t catch my meaning that AI is a shitty tool for even the thing OP was talking about.
I refer you to my first comment as guidance on how you can improve your reading comprehension.
If you don’t want to use all the tools at your desposal, that’s your choice. If I had a tool that could help me formulate my text into the proper tense and help me use words most suited for a academic setting, why should I not use it? Did you know that writing a paper is part of university stuides, English major or not?
Or do you not understand how to use an LLM? Do you think that one just prompts it and use whatever it produces? That is just as stupid as entering random number into a calculator, excpect it to calculate what you wanted and then say ”caluclators are bad because it gave the wrong answer”.
funny how it’s not “intelligent” enough to say “hey I don’t really do math” and instead feeds me bullshit that I have to correct and then it’ll say “oh yeah totally right sorry here’s the actual answer that I wouldn’t have given if you hadn’t corrected me as the one who asked the question”
also your essay fucking sucks. learn to put together a coherent thought instead of relying on a glorified autocorrect that doesn’t have them at all to do it for you.
funny how it’s not “intelligent” enough to say “hey I don’t really do math”
From what I understand, that is how OpenAI has decided to make their LLM and not an inherit property of LLMs, but I could you be wrong.
also your essay fucking sucks
Did you read it?
learn to put together a coherent thought instead of relying on a glorified autocorrect that doesn’t have them at all to do it for you.
I’ll take a guess here. You think I had the LLM write my essey for me. You also think I used it to correct my spelling.
I already have other software that can help me with my spelling, so that was not needed. I wrote my whole essey first, because actually doing myself is faster and gives a better result than trying to prompt an AI to do it, at least for me.What I did do was feed my text into an LLM to see how I could improve the structure of my text, how tense could be used correctly and if any words that I used could be changed for a better substitute. All of those are things that I could do myself, but I had an excellent tool to help me with it so I used it.
Not using it would be just as stupid as not using a software to correct spelling becuase it might get the spelling wrong.
I think you do not understand how to get the most out of an LLM or you are using it wrong. Or both.
Doc: “No wonder this circuit failed; it says ‘Made in Japan’.”
Marty: “What do you mean, Doc? All the best stuff is made in Japan.”What was the joke supposed to be here, that they had rapidly industrialised.
I think they had a poor reputation and then rapidly improved which led to their current reputation
They started out like China, making cheaper copies of Western tech. Then they started to innovate.
China is now on exactly the same path, and it’s well into the phase where they are innovating, but most people still refuse to acknowledge that.
Western tech had a massive head start.
When a country’s tech manufacturing is being developed it’s going to start by making what already exists because… it has to start somewhere.
It didn’t take long for Japanese cars to supersede American cars. China is now doing the same to both American and Japanese cars. Nissan nearly went out of business and is still in trouble. Tesla’s situation isn’t helped by how dislikable its founder is so its value is plumetting.
Most countries don’t know how to deal with the advent Chinese EVs so they’re just slapping massive tariffs on them and hoping they figure something out in the meantime.
It isn’t just going to stop at Japan and China though. Japan was subsidized by the US post WW2 and China built its manufacturing from the ground up. There are many other countries on that path which will lead to significant global competition. The West is going to have to keep its head up if it wants to remain competitive by the end of the century.
The leading Western nation responding to increased global competition with reactionary protectionism is a bad start. It’s squandering all of the soft power the US has cultivated post WW2 leaving a power vacuum for China and other influential nations on the ascension to capitalize on.
It’s also worth noting that, economically, it’s not surprising that the country with the most people would have the largest economy.
There’s nothing fundamentally different between the people of the US and China beyond the conditions they’re born in. Insofar as innovation is a product of economics, educational investment, opportunity for innovation and a random chance it happens, and economic strength is a product of innovation and raw work output, it follows that more people leads to more work output, and eventually to a larger, more innovative economy.
A disorganized China and some key innovation breakthroughs by the west last century gave a significant headstart, and some of Maos more unwise choices slowed their catch-up, but it’s not surprising that an organized country with five times the US population would surpass us in economics and innovation, to say nothing of being competitive.
Really? Isn’t it pretty obvious, I mean they make electric cars now.
Yeah but a lot of people still don’t realize that they make better electric cars now.
Their AI needs longer to develop cause it has to be folded a million times.
They have impure silicon there so their software dev practices had to become way more advanced to compensate
The Plaza Accord happened. Japan was also demonized in media and politics like China is now.
Edit: The people downvoting need a history lesson. Here’s a good place to start:
Just one example of the attitude towards Japan during its height.
I guess Japan caught depression.
Post nuke effect expired
japan and germans selling goods to america with no tax etc, they had no serious miltary concerns, invesment, america protects them, there is a invest sell cycle to them so they can produce more tech and goods until 80s and 90s america stops buying because it hurts their economy and japan and german passed them now they both in crisis. no major market to sell no spare money to inovation no more protection.
I genuinely think using generative AIs to do your job for you should be grounds for immediate termination under just cause.
Machines have no agency and can never be held responsible for anything, thus should never be put under professional responsibility.
I can’t wait for these models to colapse onto themselves.
Japan has been living in the year 2000 since 1980.
The last good year. Truly they are the most intellectually advanced society.
Except no one can get laid apparently
They have 2d waifus, who needs women?
And they’re a bunch of xenophobic racists.
Oh you can if you have money, just head to Soapland in Tokyo.
What happened after 2000 that made everythimg bad?
I forgor 💀
Damn it I forgor too
Social media maybe?
Social Media didn’t exist yet was all user groups, mailing list, irc, and AOL chat rooms. Would be another 4-5 years before they came onto the scene as we know it today
Wish I developed a brain sooner to enjoy that age properly…;_;
intellectually advanced society.
How do you even measure that?