That old vector graphics Star Wars game was my favorite! So cool. If I remember correctly, there was also an Empire Strikes Back one, done in the same style, which I only saw once.
I hope Kojima being inspired by TRON brings about a cool retro-futuristic game.
at the time, video games were limited to arcade machines
Mr. Kojima’s older than me, so I assume he’s exaggerating to make a point. Check out these digital handhelds from 1976-1978:
Not to mention games on home computers like the TRS-80, the Apple II, and (my fave) the TI-994/A, all first released in the late 70s.
But Tron really was groundbreaking, no disagreement there.
No home game consoles before the NES? Crazy talk.
But OK, yes, Tron was amazing for when it was made. Getting it for my jellyfin rn
He’s also Japanese. Did Japan have access to shit like Pong and Atari when they were new? It’s not like he could have just gone onto Amazon and imported them easily; internet was largely just something universities had, and again, maybe not even in Japan. Not to mention the WWW didn’t even exist until the early 90’s.
So, Japan had access to TONS of video games at the same time the US did, starting in the mid-70s, wayyy before the NES. Some were even from Nintendo.
Not every country can say that, but these two definitely did. His statement makes no sense.
Oh shit. I knew Nintendo made toys and physical games before the NES (I mean, they’re well over a hundred years old and were making playing cards for Hanafuda when they started), but this is the first time hearing about any video games they had before the NES. :O
I wanna play one…
Every time I rewatch the movie, I am still blown away by the CGI and effects. Mostly just from it blending perfectly with the scenes and also from being from 1982.