A US State Department report that accuses the Chinese government of expanding disinformation efforts is “in itself disinformation,” Beijing’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed Saturday.

The ministry shot back after the State Department issued a striking report this week in which it accused the Chinese government of expanding efforts to control information and to disseminate propaganda and disinformation that promotes “digital authoritarianism” in China and around the world.

The US report, issued by the Global Engagement Center on Thursday, alleged that China spends billions of dollars a year on foreign information manipulation and warned that Chinese leader Xi Jinping had “significantly expanded” efforts to “shape the global information environment.”

It also underlined US concerns about China as a main military competitor and key rival in the battle over ideas and global disinformation.

    • ziggurat@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      It is so funny that US does propaganda like this, because there is so much shit happening in and because of countries like China, Russia and North Korea. Why doesn’t US talk about the genocide? Why doesn’t US talk about public executions (oh wait I know the answer to this one), why doesn’t US talk about concentration camps (oh I know this one too), why the duck does US have to have shitty disinformation propaganda like North Korea forcing specific haircuts instead. There is so much shit happening because in these corrupt areas, and lies about haircuts is the thing they want to focus on.

        • andy_wijaya_med@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          Everyone fucked up is my motto.

          I really believe both can play the same game. Both the western and the east block can do propaganda.

          US/ CIA was the… mastermind of many collapses of communist government during the cold war. I’m Chinese Indonesian and we are definitely one of victims of such acts.