More than 150 people blockaded the entrances to an Israel-supporting arms factory in Kent on 26 October. The crowd represented a coalition of trade union members under the name Workers for a Free Palestine. The action came after Palestinian trade unionists called for everywhere unions to “end all complicity” with Israel’s attacks on Palestine. Meanwhile, activists disrupted two other factories complicit in arming Israel.

Workers for a Free Palestine

On the morning of 26 October, a group of over 150 people blocked the entrances to Instro Precision Ltd’s factory in Sandwich. Instro is a subsidiary of Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems that manufactures targeting and surveillance systems used by the Israeli military. Activists including Palestine Action previously targeted the subsidiary in 2015 and 2021.

At the front of the blockade was a large banner reading ‘Workers for a free Palestine’. The crowd comprised members of trade unions including Unite, the RMT, and the NEU. Video of the blockade shows the crowd chanting “Free, free, Palestine, Palestine” and “We are all Palestinians”:

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