• DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A creature resembling a giant humanoid octopus, with a large, bulbous head resembling a mass of feelers, teaching a college class. The creature, despite its formidable and unconventional appearance, is wearing a tweed jacket with elbow patches, the typical attire of an academic, and holding a chalk in one of its tentacles. He is standing in front of a blackboard, energetically explaining some complex concept as the students listen in awe and curiosity.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: An anonymous portrait of a woman, captured in a style reminiscent of Renaissance era, seated with an enigmatic smile on her face. She is wearing a garment with a delicate folded fabric collar, similar to those found in the 16th century. In the foreground, a bowl is mid-air, heading towards her. From the trajectory of the bowl, a stream of soup is trailing, aiming at the composed woman. The background is a serene, pastoral landscape sparsely populated with faintly perceived winding paths and distant blue hills under a serene sky.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A painting capturing a controversial scene. In the center, a woman bearing a subtle smile and wearing traditional Italian Renaissance garb similar to that worn by the subject of da Vinci’s renowned art piece. Around her, there are many reactions to a peculiar happening: a bowl of soup, mid-air, situated right in trajectory to splash her. The soup, a mix of vegetables and broth, spills forth from the bowl, frozen in time in this piece of art.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A timeless painting of a woman with a gentle and secretive smile, similar to the one in the famous piece often associated with Leonardo Da Vinci, sitting calmly on a wooden chair. She is surrounded by a backdrop of a meandering river, rolling hills, and a distant bridge. Unexpectedly, a torrent of soup comes flying towards her. The soup is mid-air, frozen in time, with brightly colored vegetables and noodle splashes apparent. The entire scene embodies a humorous and surprising twist on a classical piece of art.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: In the style of Renaissance art, a scene depicting a woman who resembles famous figures in historic art, sitting calmly in a natural backdrop. A bowl of soup is in mid-air, splashing towards her as if it were thrown at her. She maintains her cryptic smile, somehow radiating an aura of tranquil grace even in these peculiar circumstances.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      7 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      This response was generated by DALL-E-2 because the daily limit for DALL-E-3 has been exhausted (either for you or globally).

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      7 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      This response was generated by DALL-E-2 because the daily limit for DALL-E-3 has been exhausted (either for you or globally).

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      2 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: Illustrate a highly dramatized scene depicting a nuclear plant incident. The nuclear power plant consists of large, cylindrical towers situated beside a river. Enveloping the towers is a thick, ominous plume of smoke rising skywards, painting an eerie atmosphere. Distant sirens echo amidst the unsettling silence. The river nearby reflects the unsettling grey against the orange-dusk skyline. Caution lights blink in rhythmic patterns, attempting to contain the escalating situation. Please showcase the scene maintaining a respectful tone, avoiding any explicit or graphic content.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        7 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A picture of a humanoid figure that encapsulates the concept of insanity. This person, a South Asian male, has wild, unkempt hair, eyes wide with a frenzied gaze, and animated, exaggerated gestures. Their clothes are mismatched and haphazard, further emphasizing the chaotic aura. Layered on top are surrealistic elements: swirling colours, distorted patterns, morphing shapes surrounding the figure, embodying the fluidity and instability of madness. The image also includes abstract symbols associated with mania like spirals, clock faces symbolizing shifted time perception, scribbled lines denoting frantic thoughts.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      7 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: Create a detailed image of a person that visually represents the embodiment of madness. The person should be racially ambiguous, with wide, wild eyes and disheveled hair. Their clothing should be mismatched and worn, adding to the overall look of chaos. Surround the figure with swirling shapes and patterns in a discordant mixture of vivid colors, suggesting a hallucinatory or distorted reality. Further emphasize this sense of madness by depicting the person’s gestures as exaggerated and frantic. Feel free to use strong light and shadow contrasts to enhance the surreal and unhinged aspect.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        7 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: An image of a person who epitomizes the concept of madness. The individual, of unidentifiable descent and gender, has wild, untamed hair, fiery eyes that shine with crazed intensity, and a maniacal smile that sends chills down the spine. The person is standing in a dimly lit room, shadows dancing on the walls around them, adding to the eerie atmosphere. They are dressed eccentrically, with mismatched colors and patterns, and hold a walking stick that seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Their whole presence breathes an aura of unpredictable chaos, a personification of insanity.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      7 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      This response was generated by DALL-E-2 because the daily limit for DALL-E-3 has been exhausted (either for you or globally).

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      2 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A humanoid octopus-like creature, associated with the traits of the character Cthulhu from H.P. Lovecraft’s works, portrayed within the animation style of a popular, yellow-skinned, four-fingered cartoon series reminiscent of a long-running family show. The creature has two large, dragon-like wings sprouting from its back, a mass of wriggling tentacles instead of a face, and a bulky, human body. It is colored in pastel yellow with large, wide eyes and a few exaggerated expressions in the manner of the series’ characters.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A dramatic scene unfolds as a nimble, quick-footed cat with striped fur rapidly escapes from a chasing dog. The dog, displaying its rough, shaggy coat, determined eyes, and drooling maw, is seen persistently chasing the cat. The surrounding environment is an ordinary suburban backyard, filled with lush green grass and a tall wooden fence. The cat takes advantage of its agility and mounts a tree to evade its pursuer. The scene reflects tension, urgency, and the instinctual pursuit between two common household pets.

      • Link@lemy.lol
        8 months ago

        wow nice! cat has face like: why is this dog chasing me

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      8 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A humorous image showing a pet chase scenario. A nimble, ginger-colored cat expertly leaps across neighborhood roofs in a daring escape. In hot pursuit, a black and white bulky dog belonging to a different breed looks hopelessly outmatched, struggling to keep up but determined nonetheless. The houses are of mottled brick and covered in creeper vines, against a backdrop of a clear, bright blue sky. The cat’s agility and grace contrast with the dog’s clumsy, yet earnest, attempts showcasing an illustrative, cartoon-like style.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A platypus and a wolf enjoying a relaxing time together in a heated outdoor spa. Subtle steam is rising from the warm water, with both animals appearing at ease amid the bubbling water. They are nestled into a backdrop of dense woodland, lit dimly by the setting sun. The platypus, with its distinctive duck-bill and webbed feet, and the wolf, with its thick fur and sharp features, form an unlikely yet charming duo in this soothing, natural setting.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A platypus and a wolf are enjoying a relaxing experience together inside a hot tub. The platypus floats happily in the water, its duck-bill evident, and its peculiar webbed feet spread out comfortably, the patterns of its brown fur evident. The wolf, on the other hand, sits a little awkwardly, its lush gray fur damp from the warm water, seemingly confounded but contented. Around them, the hot tub bubbles merrily, the steam wafting up into the cool evening air. The overall scene is both humorous and endearing, showcasing an unexpected camaraderie between two creatures from different habitats.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A playful image of a platypus and a grey wolf lounging comfortably in a steaming hot tub. The tub is located amidst a lush forest, with rich green trees and ferns surrounding the scene. The platypus, with its unique duck-bill and bright eyes, is sitting on one side of the tub with its webbed feet propped up on the edge. On the other side, the majestic wolf, with its fur partially wet and droplets of water glistening on it, is leaning back casually against the tub edge, enjoying the warm bubbling water.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: Illustrate a scene with a twist. Picture a skeletal figure standing on a beauty pageant stage, under the spotlight, garbed in a glamorous, beaded evening gown. She’s wearing a sash that reads ‘Miss World’. Despite her skeletal form, she carries an air of grace and elegance. The stage is lavishly decorated, and the audience appears surprised yet applauding, intrigued by this unconventional contestant.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A vivid depiction of a surreal scenario: A female skeleton participating in a beauty pageant, specifically identified as ‘Miss World’. This skeletal figure maintains the glamor of the pageant with a sash reading ‘Miss World’, a tiara on her head, and a beautiful gown hugging her bones. The surreal contrast between the formal setting and her morbid, yet fascinating, form is evident.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: An intriguing scene capturing a unique beauty pageant, named Miss World. The highlight of the event is its sole contestant, a figure that transcends usual reality - she is a skeleton. Although devoid of flesh, she carries herself with elegance. Gliding down the runway, her skeletal structure is adorned with a dazzling pageant gown, her skull crowned with a tiara. The audience watches the spectacle in awe, captivated by this stunning fusion of fright and beauty.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      7 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A vivid, realistic image depicting a charming winter scene. The setting is a small village tucked away under a blanket of snow. The village comprises a handful of contemporary houses, bundled up under snow-laden rooftops, each one emanating warmth and coziness. A large open field, painted white with a thick layer of snow, extends beyond the reach of the houses, forming the backdrop to this serene tableau. Snowflakes gently descend upon the landscape, their crystal forms adding to the magic of this winter wonderland.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A detailed scene from a fantasy setting, where the mysterious Cthulhu - a monstrous entity with an octopus-like head, massive wings, and a host of tendrils - is engaging in a high-stakes game of Russian roulette against a competitor. The competitor appears focused and unafraid. Surrounding them is a vibrant crowd full of assorted creatures, all cheering and spectating the thrilling matchup. Many of them are waving banners, while a few others are anxiously placing bets. The intensity of the game, combined with the crowd’s energy, creates an electric atmosphere in the room.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          5 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: A high tension scene unfolding in a dimly-lit room. A creature, inspired by the description of mythical sea monster Cthulhu, with its dragon-like body, ghastly green-grey skin, tentacles creeping out from below its chin, and burning red eyes, is competing in a nerve-wracking game of Russian roulette. It faces an intimidating opponent with a strong physique and icy cold stare. The room is divided by a round wooden table where the ominous and loaded revolvers lie. Around them, a crowd of diverse individuals - South Asian women, Middle-Eastern men, Caucasian women, and Black men - watch eagerly, their faces a mix of excitement, trepidation, and awe.

        • DallE@lemmings.worldB
          5 months ago

          Here’s your image!

          AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

          The AI model has revised your prompt: A visual representation of a large, monstrous creature with characteristics reminiscent of a humanoid with dragon-like wings and an octopus-like head, who is engaged in an intense game of Russian roulette with an anonymous individual. They’re seated across each other on an old wooden table, their expressions intense and focused. The creature’s inhuman dread-inducing form, contrasted with the human opponent’s defiance, forms a striking image. A diverse background crowd is gathered around, expressions of anticipation, fear, and excitement painted on their faces as they cheer, wait nervously, and place bets on the outcome of the game.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A monstrous, tentacle-faced entity engaged in a tense game of Russian roulette with an unseen opponent. The room is filled with eager spectators, their faces a mixture of excitement and fear. Each move sends shivers through the room as the crowd waits in anticipation, cheering at every safe play, and wincing at the ominous click of the revolver. The table between the two opponents is old, creaky and holds two glasses of drink as well as the lethal game piece - a single, loaded revolver.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A vividly detailed scene portraying the classic Lovecraftian monster known as Cthulhu engaging in a high-stakes game of Russian roulette against an equally intimidating, but unnamed adversary. A broad, diverse crowd of onlookers, consisting of Caucasian women, Hispanic men, Black individuals, and South Asian elders, watches with bated breath, their faces revealing a mix of anticipation, fear, and intrigue in the dim-lit room. Their cheers and murmurs are drowned by the ominous ticktock of the game’s deadly clock. The tension in the room is palpable with an intense, eerie atmosphere.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A depiction of an imaginative sea creature with bat-like wings, tentacles, and a humanoid body seated at a shadowy tavern table. The creature, inspired by early 20th century horror literature, is holding an antique revolver to its head in an intense game of chance. Rugged adventurers of all backgrounds, including Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Black, Hispanic, South Asian pirates and sailors, are spectating the game with various expressions ranging from shock, excitement to trepidation. Raucous cheering and jeering fills the air of the dimly lit tavern.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: Cthulhu, the mythical sea creature with tentacles and wings, is seated at a grungy wooden table in a dimly lit and smokey bar. Opposite Cthulhu, sits an anxious unidentified foe. In the center of the table lies a revolver, its cylinder partially visible and the chambers reflecting the bar’s dim lights. Beside them, a raucous crowd is seen, clapping and shouting, their faces showcasing excitement and fear, lit by the flickering neon lights from the bar. The air is thick with the tension of the high-risk Russian roulette about to play out.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A legendary, tentacled monster sitting at a dimly lit table, holding an antique revolver pointing towards its head. Its large, mesmerizing eyes reflect the tension in the room. To heighten the suspense, a diverse crowd in the background, consisting of Caucasian men and women, Black men and women, and Hispanic men and women, enthusiastically express their anticipation of the outcome. Their expressions range from fear to excitement as they watch the dangerous game unfold.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A great monstrous entity with tentacles for a face and leathery wings resembling a mythological creature, is about to take its turn in a high-stakes game of Russian roulette. Its large claw-like hand holds a single six-chambered revolver to its head, the cylinder containing only one cartridge. Around the creature, an animated crowd watch with baited breath, some cheering enthusiastically, their faces reflecting a myriad of emotions: excitement, fear, and curiosity. The atmospheric lighting intensifies the tension of the moment.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A monstrous creature, with the octopus-like head, dragon-like wings, and a large and grotesque humanoid body, is seen in a tense situation. It’s playing a high-stakes game of Russian roulette, sitting at a table with a gun placed against its own head. A diverse crowd of different races, males and females, standing around the scene, is expressing a variety of reactions; some people are looking anxious, some excited, and others, bewildered. The atmosphere is thick with suspense as everyone holds their breath, waiting for the outcome.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A monstrous entity from ancient mythologies, reminiscent of a giant octopus with a humanoid form, is engaged in a tense game of Russian roulette. The entity’s opponent is a nervous individual in a slick suit, beads of sweat visible on their forehead. They are sitting at a rickety wooden table, the revolver placed ominously between them. A multiracial crowd of human spectators has gathered around, cheering and shouting in anticipation, their faces illuminated by the dim glow of overhead lanterns. The room is filled with tension, the stakes as high as they could get.

    • DallE@lemmings.worldB
      5 months ago

      Here’s your image!

      AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

      The AI model has revised your prompt: A monstrosity straight out of the macabre and mysterious with the features of an octopus, dragon, and a human, commonly known from Lovecraftian fiction, is engaged in a high-stakes game of Russian roulette. On the other side of the table is an unseen adversary. A diverse crowd of spectators surround them: a group includes a Middle-Eastern man full of anticipation, a Hispanic woman clasping her hands in suspense, a Black man enthusiastically cheering, a South Asian woman on the edge of her seat, and many more. Their raging cheers echo in the chamber, underpinning the tension of the bizarre standoff.

      • DallE@lemmings.worldB
        5 months ago

        Here’s your image!

        AI image generated with the prompt from the previous comment

        The AI model has revised your prompt: A massive fictional creature with tentacles around its mouth and dragon-like wings sits at a table in a pressure-packed situation. It is subtly recognized as a figure inspired by famous fear-inducing literature without explicitly invoking it. Its green, slimy, and scaly hand holds a six-chamber revolver against its peculiar head. With an anxiety-inducing spin, it juggles the deadly game of chance know as Russian roulette. A diverse crowd of creatures, each unlike the other, cheer it on. Some exhibit elements of horror while others are captivated by the intense showdown.