
The story of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his role in the development of the atomic bomb.


Christopher Nolan


Christopher Nolan, Kai Bird, Martin Sherwin


Cillian Murphy 	        ... 	J. Robert Oppenheimer
Emily Blunt 	        ... 	Kitty Oppenheimer
Robert Downey Jr. 	... 	Lewis Strauss
Alden Ehrenreich 	... 	Senate Aide
Scott Grimes 	        ... 	Counsel
Jason Clarke 	        ... 	Roger Robb
Kurt Koehler 	        ... 	Thomas Morgan
Tony Goldwyn 	        ... 	Gordon Gray
John Gowans 	        ... 	Ward Evans
Macon Blair      	... 	Lloyd Garrison
James D'Arcy     	... 	Patrick Blackett
Kenneth Branagh 	... 	Niels Bohr
July 21st, 2023 3hr TBD TBD TBD
    1 year ago

    I loved it! Nolan masterfully intertwined timelines, an absolute riveting telling of history. The acting, score, and cinematography were all on point. I miss the days that this caliber of filmmaking wasn’t so few and far between.

    1 year ago

    I thought it was an absolutely amazing movie. The portrait it paints of Oppenheimer is a complicated man. The flim goes to great lengths to make the viewer understand Oppenheimer while not letting him off the hook. There’s much similarities between the themes used in the Batman movies and in Oppenheimer. They’ll use him when they need him but discard him once they don’t. This is a common theme present in Nolans work. Humans are fickle and two faced in Nolan movies. Nolan seems to have to cynical view of people.

  • Tiger
    1 year ago

    Ok, hear me out. I really like Cillian and RDJ in this movie, and the performances all the way were incredible.

    But I got a massive disappointment when the explosion happened. People touted left and right how it was done only with practical effects, no CG! And in the end it looked like a warehouse exploded, it was so tiny. Was the real atomic bomb that underwhelming?

    Other than that, the 3 hours flew by. I was engaged the whole time, it was an amazing piece of cinema.

    • const void*
      1 year ago

      For me, this movie is a tragedy; the real explosion was the juxtaposition of the project team celebrating while what boils down to the death of 70k Japanese. Phenomenal - without being judgmental.

      The actual trinity test in the film — felt like it was intended not to awe nor overwhelm us but to give us space to allow us to reflect on our relationship with fire, weapons and war (vs a spectacular explosion ala Death Star).

      So for those of us who are literalists…I can see how it might not rank up there, lacking the raw impact of say Terminator.

      1 year ago

      I thought it was the other way around.

      The silence when the explosion happened engulfing the screen with fire, letting it sink for you that how destructive it is, followed by the boom to shake you with its impact was so well done.

      1 year ago

      I was also underwhelmed by the execution of the Trinity test specifically. I know they relied on solely practical effects, so it’s not realistic that they would match the awe of the actual test footage.

      It didn’t leave with the same existential dread like other relevant media has in the past.

    1 year ago

    Phenomenal movie. Really great job with the psychological side of the movie. A lot to take in even though it’s 3 hours long.

  • canthidium@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Ugh, it’s getting hard to not read the responses to this thread in my inbox, lol. I have been trying the last 2 days to go see it but it’s completely sold out or just crappy up front seats. I think I’m going to have to wait and go early during the week.

    1 year ago

    @canthidium I am a huge Chris Nolan fanboy. His first “based-on-true-events” movie ‘Dunkirk’ was still good to it’s cinematography but not my favourite when it comes to storytelling. That’s why I had no fanboy expectations on ‘Oppenheimer’.

    I am pretty excited after having watched it yesterday in our local cinema. Taking a bio pic into a 3h polit thriller, high pace at least through the great editing, perfect story telling in my opinion. 10/10

    1 year ago

    Excellent, excellent. I would have to call myself a Nolan fan, since as much as it was hard to hear and follow Tenet I still find myself wanting to watch it again. Of course it wouldn’t be a Nolan film if there wasn’t some time skipping around, I liked the use of black and white for the “future” parts which eventually changed to color when the main narrative caught up. I believe he did that in Memento as well.

    Cillian Murphy absolutely killed it, I really enjoyed him and Matt Damon together. A lot of strong performances also from RDJ and Emily Blunt as other has mentioned. I really believed Oppie was talking shit to Einstein from the way RDJ described it, he was able to transfer his self importance onto me as well.

    Overall it has me wanting to know more about the history of Oppenheimer and the whole event, which I don’t know if that is the point of a biopic but hey that’s cool. Of course it is not completely accurate to what happened but I wondered which parts are closer to the truth than others.

  • canthidium@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Ok, finally got to see it and I am flabbergasted. This may be Nolan’s best movie for me. I didn’t pay attention to the casting too much for this and this cast is absolutely stacked. Everyone is amazing in the movie. I was particularly impressed with David Krumholtz. It’s so amazing to see this actor who’s most well known scene is talking about how magical Katie Holmes’ breasts are to where he is now. A great character actor. I really couldn’t believe how many big actors in this and also have super small roles. I thought Rami Malek wasn’t going to have any lines at all until the last 20 minutes.

    RDJ just disappeared into the role for me. I didn’t even recognize him at first. I was only reminded it was RDJ when he got loud a couple times and I heard his normal nasally voice. Cillian Murphy was absolutely fantastic and I’m so glad he got to be the leading character again. The only person I felt was miscast was Casey Affleck. They were painting his character as this hardened, intimidating person and Casey just didn’t pull that off to me.

    For me, the highlight of the whole movie was the sound design. The clicking of the Geiger counter mixed with the music when Oppenheimer was talking to his wife about they were about to test and if successful to pull the sheets in really had this sense of dread that added to the scene fantasticly. And the speech where the cheering dropped out and he was seeing visions was just “chef’s kiss”.

    I really don’t understand some of the criticism I’ve seen for this movie. I do agree that Nolan has a problem writing women and the women in this are like most of his films and are there mostly to drive the actions of men. It didn’t bother me too much in this but it is noticeable. The people complaining about the explosion not being this epic thing, I feel like missed the whole point of that scene. It isn’t about the explosion, it’s about all the people’s reactions to it. Especially the scene immediately following where everyone is cheering, basically for their own destruction. Only Oppenheimer can see what has been truly unleashed on the world. The movie is not about the bomb, but about the man. It’s a true biopic.

    I am glad the film didn’t make Oppenheimer out to be a hero nor a villain. He was a deeply complicated man, and I feel like the film painted him as a man full of ambition, confusion, and ultimately regret. The movie is also one of the most well paced films I’ve ever seen. 3 hours flew by and I was never bored. All in all, not much to complain about and I think it’s a masterpiece.

      1 year ago

      100% agree about Casey afflack. Did not feel genuine. Otherwise, amazing. Just saw it in 70mm. Mind blown

    1 year ago

    Thanks for this post. This is one of the things that I missed the most about reddit, getting to the main post after seeing a movie. Unfortunately it seems that the number of comments is not the same (expected) and still quite low so I’ll do my part and contribute my opinion.

    I’ll go a bit against the grain here and say that for me this film is not a 10/10 at all, like people are making it to be. It’s good and it has definitely it’s moments, but I found the timeline and so many arcs confusing and unnecessary. Sometimes everything is dished out at once, when it doesn’t require so, and it makes it hard to keep up.

    I’ll concede that I usually watch movies at home where I can have English subtitles on which usually help with some of the more baffled dialogue (and Nolan suffers this the most) but I don’t think it was because of that, that I felt this way.

    Once again it feels like Nolan is getting in his own way with all the time jumps and multiple timelines, and while for some movies that “feature” is THE movie, like in TENET or Inception, here it is not needed at all like in both of these movies, and it is not executed well (like it is done amazingly in inception where a 5 layered story is perfectly displayed and understood).

    In the end Oppie’s character also comes out as suprisingly bland, and while I appreciate that they didn’t make him neither a saviour or a villain, they also somehow managed to make him rather boring.

    In the end I would rate this movie around 8/10 or 7.5/10 because technically and artistically it has its moments but I feel like if this wasn’t a Nolan film it wouldn’t have this much hype behind it.