The original engineering themed frame is here, the creator of bouncy castles (RIP bounce pad) himself - Booben!

Release date: 2013-05-17

Passive: Vauban inflicts 25% extra damage with his weapons and abilities against enemies that are incapacitated and unable to move.
Tesla Nervos - Deploy a roller drone that attaches itself to enemies and delivers bursts of arcing electricity to anything in the immediate area.
Minelayer - Cycle through four deployable mines: Tether Coil, Flechette Orb, Vector Pad and Overdriver.
Photon Strike - Drop a targeting beacon that calls in a devastating laser artillery strike.
Bastille - Erect a containment field to capture enemies and suspended them in stasis, stripping their armor. Hold to collapse all Bastilles into a single damaging vortex.

Acquisition: Vauban’s main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Vauban’s component blueprints can be bought from the Nightwave Offerings.

    1 year ago

    Spectrosiphon Vauban really gets work done on the starchart. Give em the succ, spike, and spectro for a self-sustaining energy economy. Haven’t rolled with him on SP, as I like Zephyr a bit better.