For me JRPG’s are my favorite vidoe game genre for about 24 years and i start to play several Final Fantasy games, Kingdom Hearts and many more. I like to try new franchises like Megami Tensei games, Atelier games or more Action games like the nier series. So what is your experience with JRPG’s so far, tell us a bit about the games you have played.

    2 years ago

    I started way back in the third gen with the original Dragon Quest and Ys. Liked the games, but I didn’t get fully hooked by the genre until a few years later with Final Fantasy IV. At this point I’ve dabbled in almost all the major series, Tales being the big exception, and my current favorite series going are Persona and Trails.

    Some of my other favorites are Xenogears, Tactics Ogre, Suikoden II, Terranigma.

    • TamlynOPM
      2 years ago

      Nice to have someone here with maybe more experience with jrpg’s than myself. Final Fantasy IV is one of my favorites as well, so i understand why you got hocked becuse of that game. I like Persona and Trails a lot as well. Welcome here.

  • z3r0
    2 years ago

    My first contact with JRPG games started when I was 9-10. I went to my neigbours’ house (for some reason I can’t remember now) and their son, who was the same age as me, was playing Final Fantasy VII on his PS.

    I remember have noticed that the translation to my language (Spanish) was terrible, but by these years the fact that a game with so much text were translated to Spanish wasn’t a very common thing, so I didn’t pay it a lot attention. I was able to understand what the characters were talking withouth a lot of effort, so I didn’t found it so much terrible lol.

    Anyway, the gameplay caught all my attention: The story was charming and the music incredible (Uematsu: GOD), and the first time I watched a battle and my friend summoned Titan, Shiva and Ifrit my brain blown out 🤣.

    A few years later I found that the that game was on sale for PC on a mall of my town for a really good price. I didn’t doubt it and I bought it. That was the begining of my JRPG’s world walkthrough: FF releases for NES and SNES, Illusion of Time (Illusion of Gaya), Chrono Trigger, The Secret of Evermore, Soleil (Megadrive/Genesis) were some of the games I played by then.

    On 99’s Christmas my parents gift my sister and me a PS. The first game we bought was Final Fantasy VIII, which had been released in our country by that year. A year latter FF IX was released and I played it from the begining to the end with great enthusiasm (I absolutely love Vivi).

    The latest JRPG I played was Nier Automata for Nintendo Switch. Most major today’s JRPGs I know are action RPGs.

    Sadly, I find that current JRPGs aren’t so good for me as the ones I played on my first years. Or maybe I’m just getting old 😅

    • TamlynOPM
      2 years ago

      Thanks for the story. I think a lot of us have started with Final Fantasy into jrpg’s. And you have played some game that i haven’t played like the Megadrive/Genesis games. Nice to have you here.

      Yes a lot newer major games are action RPG’s. But not all and i think not the majority as well.

      • z3r0
        2 years ago

        Yeah… Some people I know call Soleil “The Megadrive’s Zelda” so now I’m thinking that maybe it cannot be considered as a jrpg 😂.

        Could you recommend any other modern jrpg (not remake) that were not an action jrpg additionally to Fantasia that has aleady been mentioned on this thread?

        Sincerely, I’m partially disconnected from the scene.

        • TamlynOPM
          2 years ago

          A game i would always recommend is Persona 5. All Atlus games have a turn based games and a lot of them are good, some not that good, but their battle system, regardless of the game ist always fun. Persona 5 has a good highschool story which characters that get into this kind of alternative world to find out what goes wrong in their city/country. I think Persona 5 has a nice story, nice dungeon design and good battle system. My next game will be Persona 4 (and some day P3) because i haven’t played them yet, heard good of them as well.

          Then i would recommend Yakuza like a dragon. It’s the first turn based game in the Yakuza/like a dragon series, but as all of these games it’s very funny, even more with the new mc and the battle system is quite fun.

          Triangle Strategy or Fire Emblem Engage (Three Houses) are both Strategy games i like, if you consider to play games like that as well.

          I would recommend as well every Trails of game, but i will talk about them in another post, because you need a lot time to play those and it’s confusing where to start.

          • z3r0
            2 years ago

            Thanks for the advice. I’ve always wanted to try Persona games. I might do it when I have some free time.

            I got triangle strategy for Switch and I must say I really liked it. Good story and gameplay. I haven’t played it for some time and want to retake it very soon.

            Too many good games and so less time 😄

  • zebus
    2 years ago

    I got FF3 on SNES as a hand me down from my cousin as a kid and I’ve been hooked since then lol.

    I feel like my most nostaglic and favorite is my first JRPG I got when my parents bought me my PSX. I got to pick one game and I remember looking thru the shelf of games and finding one that had the Squaresoft logo on it and just assuming it would be awesome. It was Saga Frontier lol.

    Most recent JRPG I played was Fantasian which apparently may be Nobuo Uematsu and Hironobu Sakaguchi’s final game. Which made me sad af, and would be the end of an era for sure, but was a solid game.

    • TamlynOPM
      2 years ago

      I played FF3 on (i think) the NDS. In my optionion it’s the first final fantasy that was quite good. The doesn’t aged very well. My first JRPG was probably Final Fantasy X.

      I haven’t heard of Fantasian, have to look for it.

      • zebus
        2 years ago

        Yea it totally snuck under the radar, most people haven’t.

        It’s from previous Squaresoft big hitters. They formed their own studio and the marketing could be better lol. Hironobu Sakaguchi worked on most Squaresoft titles during their golden years, and Nobuo Uematsu did most of the soundtracks. They are both getting up there in age so they each said this might be their last game.

        Gameplay is super solid and a satisfying amount of challenge, and ofc the soundtrack is absolutely fire.

        • TamlynOPM
          2 years ago

          Just look it up. Hard for me to play without Apple device. Maybe some day. Want a apple mini for developement at some point.