Phnom Penh, Cambodia — The ninth of November was a momentous occasion for millions of people in Cambodia as they celebrated their nation’s independence from France which occurred 70 years ago. Government officials wearing uniforms of brilliant, spotless white paid their respects to the late King Sihanouk, the father of modern Cambodia, at Independence Monument and at the King’s towering statue. Crowds gathered in celebration at the gates of the Royal Palace, many to catch a glimpse of King Sihamoni, and the new Prime Minister Hun Manet.

But not everyone in Cambodia shared the same feelings of euphoria and jubilance on display by the throngs of people surrounding the Royal Palace. Just a short walk away, union activists and former employees at Cambodia’s largest casino, NagaWorld, hit the streets of Phnom Penh again to protest the recent Court of Appeals decision to uphold the convictions of union leaders.

The Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees at NagaWorld (LRSU) has been embroiled in a bitter labor dispute with the company since April 2021 when 1,300 union members were fired, a move seen by LRSU as a major effort to bust their powerful organization.

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