Is EH getting ddos’ed / having issues or just doesn’t like my browser/vpn/me/etc?

Been having a lot more issues than normal the last couple days. Even just trying to view page, but also posting/upvoting/sorting/etc, been getting either:

  • Various server errors (sometimes in-page error about site having issues try back later, sometimes browser error about site can’t be reached, etc)
  • various different JS popup errors (Network, Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ‘T’, Syntax Error: Unexpected Token ‘<’, Time out, 2 or 3 others)
  • A lot pages stuck on the loading spinner
  • The Create Post submit button getting stuck on a loading spinner
  • The Create Post title search thing getting stuck looking for other posts with similar titles
  • Sorting sub/community by New, a lot of the time it will completely skip a bunch of posts (e.g. I will see something days or hours old while sorted by Active, then after New sort is loaded the “newest” post is older than what I just saw. I am scrolling past / not counting the stickied threads).

And getting these about 90+ % of the time. Just curious if something is up since other sites seem to load fine for me.

Also, would it make things easier on the server if I always upload meme images to external servers and link to them rather than upload here? I know I post a lot of shit in dank memes but don’t want to be contributing to server issues if I can help by doing something simple like that.

    1 year ago

    Yeah same issues. Waiting for it to cooldown so we can get back to maximized shitposting.

    At least its done so shoddily kapow can easily see what can help prevent it in the future.