• Cowbee@lemm.ee
    10 months ago
    1. FOSS is undeniably a rejection of the profit motive. People may use something developed as FOSS to make a profit, but FOSS itself is rejecting profit. Linux being used by for-profit companies does not mean it’s suddenly privately owned, a la Capitalism.

    2. You didn’t answer the question, you dodged it entirely. If this is your way of massaging that you think antidemocratic measures to ensure workers have no say other than to unionize or leave is a good system, then it’s a very odd dodge. You can have normal wages and normal sale prices with worker ownership.

    3. Being able to start a co-op within a market based system does not mean co-ops are Capitalist. They are firm rejections of Capitalism. Additionally, if we can agree that democratic control is better than authoritarian, centralized control of Production a la Capitalism, then it makes sense to advocate for a more democratic and horizontal structure.

    Am I not allowed to make my case against Capitalism when clearly relevant? Shutting me down by claiming I’m screeching at others, when you yourself attacked my comment first, is ironic to say the least.