Timothy Murray lost his father earlier this year and had been asking his principal for counseling when she called in the police
Timothy Murray lost his father earlier this year and had been asking his principal for counseling when she called in the police
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asshole doesn’t mean criminal
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Do you know what solitary confinement is? It’s putting someone in a cell, likely without furniture, for lengthy periods of time (discounting an hour of exercise by themselves). The light never turns off. There is absolutely no stimulation whatsoever allowed. Other prisoners yell through the air ducts in the hopes that someone will yell back.
That environment is torture for an adult. This is a 10-year-old child.
You really think the general populace is safe for a 10-year old?
Solitary confinement sucks, but in many cases it’s done to protect individuals from, you know, the other extremely violent people.
How about not putting them in prison at all?
Then why the fixation on solitary confinement?
If your objection is on imprisonment then argue against that, not the specifics of a certain imprisonment.
So, to be clear, you support prison and solitary confinement for preteens?
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If you’re trying to be funny, you’ve taken it too far. You should be yeeted into a Texas prison where you claim immature assholes belong, because this situation isn’t a fucking joke.
Holy shit lighten up. It’s not even the original poster, the sarcasm was very obviously implied with that comment.
Edit: nvm, I see now they are tag-teaming. Smells like trolls.
Are you for real? I’m seriously asking, because if you are, you need help.
Not in elementary school
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Ahhhh right, simple mistake to make. Middle school kids definitely deserve solitary confinement. Fucking what??
I hope that maybe you’re just ignorant to what “solitary confinement” means, but even then, you’re talking about locking children away in fucking prison for misbehaving in 6th grade art class. Get a grip.
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Scroll back up and check out the headline of the thread you’re posting in…
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The original article is about putting a child into solitary confinement. You don’t even need to read the article. But keep moving those goalposts…
Is it really that much harder to just admit you were wrong (or literally just take the L and not respond at all) than doubling down on something so easily disproven?
The mindset is just fascinating to me.
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If being an asshole was illegal Texas would be a prison.
They’re working on it…
Texas. The new Australia.
wtf is wrong with you?
Were you never an asshole as a kid? It’s part of growing up. We work to make them better, but arresting them does nothing worthwhile.
76 arrests of elementary students? Does it really matter? I have a hard time believing any arrest is appropriate for that age
Shouldn’t matter. You don’t throw kids in jail just because they are assholes.
You’re making up 110% of them