"“If President Trump committed a heinous act worthy of disqualification, he should be disqualified for the sake of protecting our hallowed democratic system, regardless of whether citizens may wish to vote for him in Colorado,”
"“If President Trump committed a heinous act worthy of disqualification, he should be disqualified for the sake of protecting our hallowed democratic system, regardless of whether citizens may wish to vote for him in Colorado,”
And I completely disagree with that notion. Voting for a treasonous person isn’t treason, it’s a wasted vote because a treasonous person is ineligible to hold office.
The only crime you could commit when voting is fraud, meaning you’re voting more times than you’re allowed to. You should be allowed to cast your vote however you want with no fear or reprisal, and it’s on you to make that vote count.
Noted, still don’t care, you’re welcome to your opinion.