Lmao, not a piracy problem. Just the Yemenis carrying out legitimate naval interdiction operations and interference from Israel’s allies. Mfkers pretending this is a piracy problem like off the coast of Somalia when it’s just ships affiliated with Israel being interdicted.

  • oregoncom [he/him]
    1 year ago

    “Simplified Chinese” is a spelling orthography dipshit. One derived from cursive shorthands and variants that people have used from literally the 2nd century BC. Mandarin is the common dialect since centuries before the CCP took power. In fact there was consideration for making Cantonese the common dialect at one point. No native speaker of any dialect of Chinese considers them seperate languages. The only people making this claim are dumbass anglophone r*dditors like you and your equally braindead gusano friends. The fact that you can’t even tell basic terms like “Simplified Chinese” or “Mandarin” apart shows that you know literally nothing about Chinese and should shut the fuck up and stop talking out of your ass.

      • oregoncom [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I am tired of dipshit neoliberal drones who don’t speak my language making statements about my language. Whatever basic ass mutilated cantonese you learned does not give you any right to make any statements aboht our language. Your friend is obviously some illiterate gusano raised in America otherwise they would’ve just written a note to the Mandarin speaker. I have both Cantonese and Mandarin speaking relatives, I’m tired of dipshits like you who can’t even grasp the basics of Chinese declaring that because your illiterate linguistically stunted ass can’t figure out what someone is saying then nobody can. Honestly the situation described is so stupid I imagine your entire circle of friends consists of the type of insufferable neoliberals who have the shallowist grasp of any non-english language.

        And you still haven’t addressed the fact that you’re such a dumbass that you thought “simplified chinese” was a dialect.