Lmao, not a piracy problem. Just the Yemenis carrying out legitimate naval interdiction operations and interference from Israel’s allies. Mfkers pretending this is a piracy problem like off the coast of Somalia when it’s just ships affiliated with Israel being interdicted.

  • vexikron
    10 months ago

    Hrm, I’m sorry you dont like the way I make points. Feel free to block me and then you’ll never have to see anything I say again!

    That being said, I didnt expect the same community here that asked me to remove the phrase QT*rd from another post I made, as it is apparently ableist, to have such a vehement negative reaction to my way of speaking.

    I guess Autistic people such as myself are ok to be mocked and insulted for being snarky and insufferable, for daring to envision hypothetical scenarios, for having an opinion that is apparently both controversial and not controversial… this community really seems to embrace the neurodivergent with open arms, very welcoming.

    Seems like the real reddit experience I am so very used to is /riiiiight here/.