The bitter fight between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Rep. Byron Donalds over a line about slavery in the state’s revised African American history standards is infuriating several prominent Black conservatives.

    1 year ago

    How about I stop when christians stop attacking others? Lets see if christians can live up to th words of their jesus.

    Hint they wont.

    By the way, I am done with you as you keep saying the same thing over and over and never once made genuine case for religion other then ‘daddy telling’ others to stop. You clearly are a troll.

    I will block you because you are useless.

      1 year ago

      I only see one hateful person in this thread and it isn’t the guy rightfully pointing out basic human and constitutional rights whom you are trying to frame as a fascist.

      It’s very simplistic to blame religions for heinous crimes committed by humans over centuries. Crimes have been committed in the name of every religion on earth.

      But in every religion there are countless good-hearted people who try hard to live up to their ideals. There is much more to religion than just bigots.

      So please: Stop your hatespeech.

        1 year ago

        This is not hate speech and using that as defense for a religion that has so much hate poured over the innocent.

        I know you guys think you are defending something noble, you are not, you are defending a know n and documented cruel entity, it is unreal to see. But then again, religion makes you stop believing your lying eyes. Its like talking to cult members.

        And the message I get constantly from you and others who defend the cult? To please stop. Like any cult, no argue or defense or explanation on accountability, just stop and move on.

        Hey, guess you turn a blind eye to the pastors and clergymen who, to this day, keep raping little kids and get full cover drom the cult leadership. Bet you do.

          1 year ago

          Multiple arguments have been made: Basic human rights, the need for a differentiated view on religions instead of sweeping condemnation of a single religion whatsoever, etc.

          With no word I or the user before me excused any crime committed by christians. So why imply that we did just that?

          You know nothing about our beliefs. We could be agnostics of even atheists. Yet you insinuate we are like cult members in a direct ad hominem attack… Why?

          You can condemn crimes committed by religious people all day, perfectly okay. But it is hate speech to discriminate against the beliefs of ALL members of a religion no matter who they are of what they did.

          If you think that truly all christians are hypocritical and evil, you are being extremly unfair. And if you think that the world would be a better and less violent place if only religions didn’t exist, you’re delusional.

            1 year ago

            I will keep it simple and it will be the last thing I will respond to as I know from experience it is like talking to a wall when cults are involved.

            You are in a ‘club’ of likeminded people, that ‘club’ did unspeakable acts against humanity. Does not matter who in the club did it. You keep supporting and defending that club. This ‘club’ keeps violating people (think rapes of children by pastors to give you but one example). You are by association just as guilty.

            Now lets name that ‘club’ something extreme, to drive this point home : Nazis
            If you are ‘in that club’ you do net get to whitewash the holocaust now do you? Why do christians get a pass on this type of thing?

            No need to answer, I know you will keep defending the club that currently and in the past violated so, so many of our community.

            Start believing people and your own eyes instead of the fantasy being told to you.