Organizers are hoping to send a powerful message to Biden as he continues to back Israel’s genocidal assault.

A growing coalition of progressives and anti-Zionist advocates is campaigning for voters in Michigan’s upcoming Democratic primary election to vote “uncommitted” rather than cast a vote for President Joe Biden due to the administration’s staunch support for Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza.

As The New York Times reported Wednesday, progressive group Our Revolution is beginning an email, text banking and phone banking campaign to convince voters to cast a protest vote to put more pressure on Biden to change course on his administration’s Gaza policy.

Our Revolution sent an email promoting the effort to 87,000 Michigan members on Wednesday, with the message signed by former House Rep. Andy Levin. The former congressman served two terms in the House before being ousted in the 2022 election, due in large part to a fierce campaign by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to unseat him over his support for Palestinian rights.

“We need to send President Biden a message: We are outraged by U.S. complicity in the destruction of Gaza, the killing of thousands of civilians, including more than 10,000 children, and it must STOP!” the email read. “By voting uncommitted on 2/27, Our Rev supporters can push Biden to change course on Gaza now and increase his chances of winning Michigan in November.”

Levin emphasized the strong impact that Biden’s unflinching Israel support is having on Michigan voters who would otherwise consider going to the polls for him this fall. “I am working with some people who feel like they will never vote for Joe Biden, but there are many, many, many I feel will vote for Joe Biden on November 5 if he changes course,” Levin told The New York Times. “This is the best way I can help Joe Biden.”

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  • diegeticscream[all]🔻
    8 months ago

    Good time to remind your friendly neighborhood idealist that there are only two pair of pants at the pants store.

    I’m not going to wear your genocidal rapist pants.