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  • 47 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2022


  • just python at the moment bc im a complete beginner and python has the best combination of 1) having lots of free tutorials online and 2) appearing in job postings for jobs i actually want.

    i’ve got a bunch of projects i want to build actually, so I can build up a portfolio while learning. im tryna figure out how to use the fda’s database of nutrition facts to determine which foods have the best ratio of protein/calorie so i can get swole while being vegan. i’ve also got an idea for an algorithm for betting on soccer; an app that locates the closest artwork by a given artist to the user’s location; a taste similarity score for finding people to follow on goodreads given the user’s pre-existing ratings; a property values map that shows property values by block and can show historical data on a slider; and an algorithm that summarizes 10-Ks to show figure out what evil shit corporations are legally required to admit to

    idk why ive told you all this when you didnt ask lol im just excited about possibly building something useful using nothing but cOdInG sKiLls

    Death to America