TIL. Was it in the past?
TIL. Was it in the past?
That’s the signal app. The software which runs on their servers is proprietary.
Also, support free/libre Android ROMs!
Hey man, when your nation is as appealing to the rest of the world as the US is (when you have countless migrants desperate to move there), then you can take that attitude.
It just so happens that I live in the UK, which does in fact have quite a bit of immigration (played up by our far right, which is funnily enough funded by your far right. Talk about interfering in other countries’ politics.).
Until then, we’re just giving the people what they want. More America.
I don’t believe the people of Greenland want that. https://www.reuters.com/world/poll-shows-85-greenlanders-do-not-want-be-part-us-2025-01-29/
Neither do Canadians. https://leger360.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Report-OMNI-CAN-16811-123-51st-state.pdf
Mexico also told you lot to fuck off. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/politics/mexico-us-state-trump-suggests-trade-deficit/
You never see immigrants clamoring to move to Greenland, and there’s a good reason for that.
Get to fuck with your neo-imperialist attitudes.
I hope you suffer under Trump, if this is really how you think.
I wonder what their thoughts on the unnatural spike in left-handedness are?
That first link talks about how it requires an unlocked bootloader, therefore verified boot is disabled and the device is less secure.
While that is true, I think that’s a bit of an unfair thing to hold against it considering on most Android phones, you need to unlock the bootloader to run anything the OEM doesn’t approve, and most vendors do not support installing your own keys.
That should be a criticism against the OEM for forcing you to weaken the security of the device to have full control over it, not Lineage. That is not really their fault.
I think it would be nice of them to mention that the signing keys being held by the OEM and the OEM only is a massive security (and freedom!) weakness on it’s own, and that without being able to sign everything yourself, you can’t really be certain of the security of your device, as you cannot control everything on it.
I think out of all the options, this one is the most reasonable. As long as it doesn’t involve providing ID.
The UK governments overreach here is absolutely ridiculous. Isn’t the de-facto E2EE encryption ban coming into effect soon too?
EDIT: Oh. I think this is the same legislation :/
Well, considering that they’re canceling the one which was running in Fife (?) because it required two drivers, I don’t think so.
When is Farage actually going to show up to his job for once?
Also it was commissioned by the Tories, to be done by a woman who before even starting her research for the report, was clearly biased against trans people.
.tar.gz or .zip?
Taking this to an extreme, if you can’t gain access via software (unlikely if it hasn’t been updated in 5 years), you could disassemble it, locate the SPI interface for the NAND (assuming it uses SPI), and use something like an arduino with a loaded SPI reader sketch to read it. You can then pick it apart to find vulnerabilities, or just replace it.
Chrome isn’t open source?
We bailed them out of TWO world wars.
Trivia quiz: which allied power was responsible for delivering the final blow to Nazi Germany? Hint: it wasn’t the US.
You’re delusional if you think America is responsible for “saving Europe” or whatever other fantasy you have dreamed up.
I vote for Debian sid (the “rolling” version of Debian). I use it and it’s great.
These have existed before the term “chiplet”.
By “lack of developer freedom”, do you mean “lack of ability to take the freedom you got with the code away from the next person?”
Because that’s the primary restriction with the GPL.
Don’t get me wrong, I dont think it’s right to forbid people from collaborating in an open environment just because of what their government does, and frankly the arguments that the normal people should be punished because of their government are stupid, but it’s just, not racism.
I don’t think they would have?
A) The FSF doesn’t even like the term
B) They haven’t attempted to trademark “free software” or “software freedom” either.