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Cake day: June 27th, 2022

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    It’s a guide/advice into hosting our attending parties, here are the first three:

    Rebecca Gardner event planner, interior designer
    When you accept an invitation, you have an obligation to bring something. You can be the most beautiful person at the party who brings glamour. You can be the person who brings an expensive wine. Or you can bring a sprinkle — which means you sprinkle joy or wit or personality to a party. You have to bring something.

    Sarah Harrelson editor in chief of Cultured magazine
    If you’re going to go, go. Do not plan to leave the party early. If you have to leave early, I say do not come. And don’t ask who else is coming. That is rude.

    Alex Hitz chef, author
    Bring a sense of humor. Bring positive energy. That anecdote of yours? Cut it by 98 percent, practice it in front of the mirror, and in six months you can bring it to the party.

    People who bring stuff because they feel obligated being cheap shit or expensive crap. Thought comes from, well, thinking. People sometimes just want to share their company even under irregular circumstances, even with time limits. Practicing adjectives to come across as funny sounds pitiful as hell. What’s with these morons?

  • Huh. Must be a day that ends with y.

    No one can really make an argument that  the Iranians don’t know about the unit. Iran’s intelligence doesn’t need a public webpage to know about U.S. forces operating in Israel. So the only ones who are kept in the dark are  the American people, who don’t have the luxury of an intelligence service (or a functional and informative news media) to tell them what’s going on. Americans who, poll after poll demonstrates, care deeply about what’s happening in Israel and their government’s role in it.

    Propaganda isn’t for the enemies, it’s domestic. You keep Rome stable so you can fight your imperialistic wars in peace. It’s hard to fill your coffers under scrutiny.

  • Doesn’t fight to the death imply, ya know, death? How’re they going to make a cup of coffee dead? Also running for one’s life doesn’t have an age cutoff, older people can still run like hell when they come under fire.

    What sort of depraved lunatic would derive some sort of enjoyment or comfort from the notion that the Ukrainian soldiers cannot fight and therefore have to fight to the death? This looks like the hellish mix of denial and bargaining. About as healthy a mix as benzos and heroin.

  • List of periphery/colony countries that had a war involving imperialists, the imperialists won and the country went on to become an industrial hub:

    List of countries privatised to shreds only to produce more than ever:

    On the other hand, if we lay down and file all the westerners coping about how they haven’t destroyed the Ukraine, we could go around the world 20 times over.

  • I don’t believe either candidate is doing a bad job gutting the US on the inside, though as an outsider my perspective is limited.

    On the diplomatic front, absolutely. During Trump’s term, most usian “allies” took the dumb shit he did as the temporary acts of some man-child. The corpse of Joe Biden is disproving the myth of the adults in charge in real time. He started a losing war in the Ukraine and now he’s practically overseeing a genocide. What’s more, he could’ve let Trump have sinophobia, but he chose to reveal that democrats could be just as sabre-rattling.

    At this point anyone who isn’t as dignified as Obama is fine though. It’s all a race to the bottom with the bourgeois dictatorships and only an articulate, pretty face can mask that, and even that not for long.

  • Consoles are perfectly fine. They’re cheaper than PCs that will perform as well, a lot of people don’t care about modding all that much and like playing with a controller. For these reasons (not the price one) they’re just not for me. The games I play the most are the ones I mod the heaviest. I absolutely abhor using controllers, I never managed to get used to them.

    That said if the main issue is convenience a tablet or just the phone might be better suited for many genres.