News posts on /c/Turkey are automatically made by a bot I wrote under my account.

  • 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2023


  • The sponsor ads work when they’re neatly aligned aligned with the video’s concept. It wouldn’t budge me to see a manufacturer sponsor a PC build video where one of their products are being used. Or channels like GradeA where they advertise the sponsors in a similar way to their vids.

    What breaks it is when you can feel the ad clearly feels like a last minute insert (which it feels like almost all the time). Even the bigger creators out there do this.

  • CaptainBasculin@lemmy.mltoSteam@lemmy.mlBanana
    5 days ago

    It’s a different scheme. While the developers can print as many items as they want if they want to, the prices are entirely made out by the community. So they just manipulate the odds to make some items rarer. If they print the same items, the price will fall right off.

    However why the game has this much players is that its really easy to bot.

  • The things that come to my mind are

    -The country has a set goal to improve in tech industry, aiming to rival big countries like China.

    -The people definetly know their spices. While they use it a bit too much at times, it certainly works well.

    -The country is overpopulated, leading to talented people having harder time to succeed.

    -If you’re watching an Indian man’s tutorial on any topic, you can assume it’ll work well.

    -It has a noticable split in religious beliefs.

    -fuck the remote scammers operating from Kolkata. The people in India also hate these people.