I definitely thought snow camel was going to be a euphemism for moose but nope, that’s actually a camel
Fluffy belly!
No problem.It’s always interesting how names translate in other languages.
Burrowing owls always have the best expressions
Seriously impressive work. Those are lucky kitties!
FYI for the english speakers - the knot pictured in steps 1-3 is a clove hitch.
Totally. I occasionally see a nose in a burrow, but it’s gone by the time I pull a camera out.
Unfortunately not, I stole it off an article: https://science.sandiegozoo.org/science-blog/conserving-underdog-collaborative-efforts-translocate-endangered-kangaroo-rats
It’d be really cool to see one in the wild!
In no particular order:
Some less active honorable mentions:
A few I’d like to see get more active:
Oooooooo indeed! Ty for the laugh
What’s your favorite food?
I’m just glad it wasn’t further away!
I can’t take all the credit, some people had already spotted it as I walked by. I was just glad to not miss it!
I got lucky - some people were looking at it when I walked by. Glad I didnt miss it!
It’s always fun seeing majestic owls make goofy faces.
And thank you for the pets and bun_alert_system!
The head to body ratio does seem off. I don’t know the background of this kitten, but maybe it has a condition like Hydrocephalus, which can cause an oddly shaped head.