Time to improve and learn the real definition then.
Time to improve and learn the real definition then.
Probably paid them to do the article
This isn’t capitalist doing capitalism.
It is fascist capitalist doing a dictatorship, which is eerily similar to some communist dictatorships.
Operation braindrain
Sign them up for Avaaz, they like to spam you with petitions on how America is turning to shit.
At least pick the Casa di Mama line from Dr Oetker
Strange, because in this thread alone I have seen recommendations for PopOS, Arch, Mint Cinnamon, EndeavorOS, Bazzite, NixOS, and Ubuntu.
Even ZorinOS got a mention.
So why isn’t it Debian?
Regular users would never have to put anything in the registry.
That is only for power users.
So like forced updates in Windows?
Did she install it herself or did you set it up for them?
Because the majority of people do not have the luxury of someone who will fix their shit if it breaks. They just bring it back to the store.
Wanting GUI for everything is a bad habit?
That is just regular consumer needs.
The fact that there is a “correct” distro only adds to the unreadyness for mainstream.
So, which distro is the ready one?
It doesn’t, that seems to be just your device.
Most likely some third party software that is causing it.
They usually play a variant with a ball that makes noise
That is indeed what scientist look like to science deniers
It has an empty universe mode in one of the updates
a researcher can’t be in the presence of a sexually aroused erect penis
Is this some puritan rule? Plenty don’t care to flap their erect penis in the faces of some researchers if they asked nicely. What got ethics to do with it when there is consent?
They definitely aren’t permanent residents now, that is for sure.