Pop!_Enthusiast. Open source and FOSS advocate.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Unlike the writing of Asimov, this is not a work of fiction. Do some digging for yourself and you’ll see that World Economic Forum has plans for you and I. Many have indeed been introduced. Many governments are following the agenda and have been for decades. Your answer is why I’m pessimistic and know we’re fucked. Klaus Schwab wants to be your feudal overlord. He knows what’s best for you. It sounds like you’re ready to trust him.

  • If all the ignorant masses don’t wake up to this WEF fuckery and it becomes “normalized” to need this for everything, then you’ll need it to receive your basic universal payment in centralized digital currency. You’ll also need it to incorporate your global “green score” which is like a type of social credit. Once cash is gone and decentralized crypto is illegal to own, most people will comply so they don’t starve. A 100% identifiable human 100% tracked and controlled. Fail to comply to something and your identity gets switched off. Nothing works for you now. This is not fiction. Just pay attention to the agenda of WEF. And if you think this can’t or won’t happen then please explain how the fuck Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn still exist? Every person who is faced with this request for government issued ID for anything that isn’t government should refuse and leave. Trusting these incompetent and abusive corporations with even more private information is illogical. They can’t keep anything safe now. Giving them more won’t “save you from the hackers”. That is a disingenuous deception to double down on control. They care nothing for your privacy, safety or well being. “We had a data breach and your personal information has been compromised. It includes your name, email, phone number, address and government issued ID with face scan. Oops, sorry”.
    Everyone needs to say “NO” to this now!

  • I love the full overview as well. On every Pop installation I restore it to super key only. The Launcher then goes to it’s original keys of super + /. You end up with the full activity view with the exception of the Gnome search bar. And we’re talking about the COSMIC extension on Gnome right now, but the COSMIC desktop environment will be much more configurable from what I’ve been led to believe.

  • I’ve never wanted to “rice” my Pop!_OS, but I think I’ve been disappointed that Gnome couldn’t add some simple changes like the following from COSMIC without installing third party software.

    Beyond changing from Dark to Light mode and choosing an accent color you can change the application background, interface text palette tint and neutral palette tint. You’ll also be able to choose one of the three styles for the corner radii used throughout the interface and set an interface density.

    Finally! Notifications can happen where you want, and they’re not connected to the calendar. This is a massive win for me. Gnome’s is really annoying being top center and dropping down into your work. I’ve always turned off 95% of notifications. If I can have them bottom left or right I will love that.

    The notifications applet has been integrated into COSMIC DE! Unlike in Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, notifications exist in their own applet, separate from your calendar.

  • The Orville is my favorite Star Trek franchise. It’s canon - you can’t deny it. The Orville revived the Star Trek Franchise and gave it a pulse. It’s like blockchain. You can say it doesn’t belong, but it will always be there and nothing can change that. It has great attention to detail and decent story writing with that original “there’s a moral in this episode” that endeared ST in our hearts, something the newer ST franchises lack.

  • Yeah, a couple people mentioned that they had apps reinstalled. I had Geary reinstall itself, but no big deal. Just purge it again and put it on sudo apt-mark hold.

    The reason this happened was a reorganization of the metapackage. https://github.com/pop-os/desktop/pull/113. One of Pop’s devs had this to say;

    one of the bigger changes that prompted it was the Ubuntu Pro ESM adds; now we can just drop packages like the one providing those instead of having to replace them with dummy packages to fulfill the dependencies or hack around them with additional packages. It also enables Pop!_OS server and decouples things that will make rolling out COSMIC Epoch easier, so it was really a win all around.

    These guys are always going above and beyond to maintain the open source freedom we appreciate so much.

  • Totally agree. I’ve tested over 40 distributions over the years with mixed results. I’ve been using Pop!_OS for five years now and still loving every second of it. It has been stable, easy to use out-of-the-box and the devs are cutting edge awesome. Pop!_OS differs from nearly all other distributions due to System76 being an open source hardware sales company - They absolutely need a stable OEM operating system at all times. I could elaborate further, but I think the vote of confidence should be enough for OP to look for themselves.

  • I would love a simpler Nix.

    You’ve summed up my whole entire experience with NixOS. I too would love a simpler Nix, and couldn’t quite commit to the time to learn everything. As a compromise I’ve been content to continue with nixpkgs and nix-env on Pop!_OS.

    Having said, I’ve noticed a LOT of new nix flakes being added to System76’s new Rust based COSMIC desktop environment’s packages. And I’m hearing talk of immutability. Maybe we’ll get our wish.

  • This article neglects to point out that the initial join up number was a deceptive and manipulative corporate strategy which amounts to smoke and mirrors. 100 million people didn’t join up for threads! Meta created a placeholder account for every Instagram account in existence. People were able to follow an account that the owner of never made or approved of. Then to top it off, Meta made it initially impossible to delete said placeholder unless you delete your whole Instagram. Nice retention strategy. Too bad it smells like a corporate dump on it’s users. When it became possible for people to delete it without losing Instagram it halved overnight. But they got the big media headline, and that’s all that matters right. Meta, and threads, is just a pathetic attempt to retain the centralized control of customer people user account holder data, identity and advertising profile as we transition into web3. Don’t be lazy. Take control of your own data and identity. These corporate assholes have proven beyond any doubt that they despise people and will abuse you, your rights and privacy without hesitation or remorse. Just quit those broken and failed centralized corporate web2 advertising platforms already.

  • M4775@lemmy.worldOPtoPop!_OS (Linux)@lemmy.worldWant Ads?
    11 months ago

    It’s a decent suggestion. Using multiple windows in a tile stack would be the way I’d do it, but it sounds like that probably won’t be a valid suggestion. I don’t think it’s a such a great feature that I’d comply with DRM based web page tracking and ads for. For clarity, any site with Google’s DRM will need to be seen with Chrome or you won’t be able to use the site, period. You will be 100% tracked and served ads. They will know exactly who you are on any site. They will clutter your pages, tab stacked or otherwise. I don’t believe Google when they say this for your safety and will stop ads. It will give them exclusive power to push ads and companies will pay them a premium to force ads in your pages. This isn’t Google’s engineers who are pushing this. It’s Google corporate making it’s engineers break the web for profit and ad dominance.

    Losing the ability to block ads completely or have tab stacking - I know which way I’d go. But hey, you can’t force people to do anything, and unlike Google I wouldn’t, so I’ll just leave it there.