• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Well I should be finishing The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu but honestly western magical realism just isn’t doing it for me. It’s August’s small book club read so I’ll get back to it.

    In the meantime I’ve been re-reading Last Exit by Max Gladstone because Ruthanna Emrys and Anne Pillsworth are starting a re-read discussion and I’m reminded that it was awesome and that I felt like there was a lot I was missing when I read it the first time, so just refreshing my memory to be able to keep up with the discussion.

  • I don’t think you’re alone on the Southern Reach books by Vandermeer. I did read them, but holy moly it was a slog towards the end. It’s a trippy slow psychological descent. Without any concrete aspects for the reader to hang their hat on, it’s exceedingly difficult (for me at least) to get a picture of what’s going on, what’s really happening. I think they’re well written, but they are not really my thing.

  • Daytime reading: Witch King by Martha Wells

    • Fantasy – My mental jury is still out on this one. Characters are likeable, but the world is still quite murky which makes certain motivations and behaviors hard to parse.

    Nighttime reading: The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu by Tom Lin

    • ??? – Haven’t gotten far enough in it to even know. It’s a period piece in mid 19th century. Maybe magical realism?

  • I use GK for everything and usually only use CLI when there’s something a little exotic. I like seeing it update in real time on another screen and I like the diff engine for quickly assessing changes and making sure everything I expected was altered and nothing I didn’t. I know there are other tools but GitKraken is the fastest for me.

    Also have found it a good tool for teaching other engineers (usually older) how Git works. We tried out Sourcetree but it was super clunky at the time.

    If I had to find a tool between pure CLI and pure GUI I’d probably recommend Emacs Magit porcelain. Works quite well.

  • I honestly don’t know. I only just found out about BookWyrm from that post on Mastodon. Interestingly, the text of the toot was autoposted into the text box when I put the link into the link box. That text is from Rambling Readers! I don’t want to misattribute things.

    That said, I think there’s a chance. It would probably show up in the “Microblog” portion of the magazine. That is setup to pick up on hashtags in the Fediverse and so if BookWyrm federated made a post that had a particular hashtag, it might show up here.

    But in short, I simply am unsure all the intricacies of the fediverse here. I’ve really only interacted with Mastodon up to this point (and it’s gone well)

  • I’ll be honest… I basically don’t track my reading. There are enough metrics in my life that I don’t have control over, that I don’t feel it necessary or useful to apply a tracking to what I do in my spare time. I try to make sure I get the book club book read before the monthly meeting, and otherwise I guess the tracking is the pile of books in the TBR pile and the read pile (and what’s on bookshelves. I figure if I don’t remember a book well enough to recommend it to someone, it was probably fairly forgettable, and if I do it was probably pretty memorable and that’s good enough for me!