glimmer_twin [he/him]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • It wasn’t “good”, it’s blockbuster slop. I didn’t mind some of its ideas though, trying to take Star Wars away from “hey everything important that happens in this galaxy with a trillion trillion beings living in it revolves around this one family”. And then the 3rd sequel shat on that from a great height lol.

    There was some cool looking stuff. The hoth remix with the red salt was cool. When the admiral blows up the whole fleet is cool. The lightsaber blowing up. I even thought the sequence where Luke “comes back” was kinda dope. However it also had some terrible action stuff like the horse race scene or whatever. And the plot was a contrived afterthought.

    all that being said the sequels taken as a whole are a disgrace and this makes up a third of that disgrace so it’s hard to say it’s good, lol. It’s better than RoS by an order of magnitude, but that is literally one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.

  • Haitian rev? It opens up avenues to compare and contrast with the French and maybe even American revs, the French doing their bourgeois revolution then immediately turning round and trying to keep the Haitians as slaves and slapping them with “reparations” for successfully freeing themselves.

    (Edit: bonus of this is nobody can come back at you calling you a dirty commie or mark you down because you call out the US for teaming up with nazis in Central America or whatever. Nobody is gonna say “umm actually the Haitians should’ve stayed as slaves”)

  • 17 screenshots of text and never answers or even considers the key question. We all know why China pivoted toward capitalist development, the question is when or if it will ever pivot back.

    2nd screenshot:

    you can only…. If you already have developed industry

    China has a well developed industrial economy. It’s been developing for half a century and has no sign of stopping. How developed does it need to be before you stop doing capitalism? How long will it take?

    The first four screens aren’t exactly new information. It’s the justification used by the USSR in enacting the NEP. Y’know, the NEP that lasted less than a decade? China is well into the 4th decade of marketisation and there are no indications that it’s likely to change anytime soon - private ownership and inequality are expanding in China, not contracting.

    The second half of the post, sure, I don’t think China is imperialist either (yet?). But the first half of the post is just a lot of words for “we’re building productive forces bro trust us bro we’re doing communism any second now bro” which is an argument we’ve all heard a thousand times.