robinnn [he/him]

“I… am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood” — John Brown

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2024


  • As we all know, history ended a long time ago. These monuments were dropped from the sky by deities like those silver cubes from Skyward Sword and their being touched by mortals tarnishes their immortal legacy, causing all that is right and just in the world to soar into the sky and disappear with a flash.

    Of course there were the changes in the 1950s and 60s, where stones were lifted from the ground and placed like the fabrication of a crime scene, everything solidified in concrete, but this was for the approximate recreation of history^TM, the unchanging past, where before some unknown group sacrilegiously cursed the grass and stone hills which were there long before with their nonsense stacks of rectangles.

    The perfect renovation would involve the tearing down of these unnatural rock stacks (I am not allowed to stack rocks, and yet these people can?) and the return to the land’s pre-human form.

  • Maybe don’t mindlessly say it requires cognitive dissonance to consider NATO (an organization that bombed Libya and supported anti-black rebels leading to an open-air slave market in the country, and armed/collaborated with Nazis and ethno-nationalists to sabotage left-wing movements in West Germany, Greece, Turkey, Italy, etc. (Operation Gladio)) an evil empire (and for slavery/against peace to use your 1984 comparison).

  • Everyone has seen that image because Zionists love to share it despite the fact that Zionist leaders like Avraham Stern explicitly sought alliances with Hitler and that Zionists collaborated with fascist Germany to ship Jews to Palestine for their colonization efforts and with fascist Italy to train their militias (Betar Naval Academy), all of which Zionists justify by pointing to the dire situation faced and explaining how this necessitates “the enemy of my enemy”-ism as if the Palestinians didn’t also face a dire situation with the British and Zionist colonization.

  • like “NATO is inherently escalatory”, with no further explanation on why banding together against an aggressor to preserve everyone’s peace is somehow “escalation” while publicly plotting attacks against all your European neighbours

    Operation Gladio (support for Nazis and other far-right groups in Turkey, West Germany, Greece, etc., use of false-flag terrorism and propaganda to rig elections in Italy to prevent the rise of communist countries that would align with the Soviets), Libya (bombing of innocents and destruction of the country, support for racist mercenaries who later brought back the open slave trade), participation in the brutal imperialist bombing of Afghanistan, this is the history of NATO’s “preservation of peace.” NATO is an organization created to maintain Western supremacy, and to act like it’s simply a “defensive alliance” “banding together against an aggressor” is fundamentally dishonest nonsense. Who is not thinking (let alone critically)?

    As others in the comments have shown, Angela Merkel already admitted peace agreements were made to stall and arm Ukraine against Russia, so who is “publicly plotting attacks against European neighbors”?