Alucard Shield does damage every tick that it touches the enemy and also heals you so yes
Alucard Shield does damage every tick that it touches the enemy and also heals you so yes
Also, randomizers are a ton of fun in this game since there are so many items and some you probably haven’t even seen before. Try it out:
I just replayed SOTN a few days ago, game’s so sick. I finally realized how much better using two weapons is than using a shield. Chakram + Combat Knife goes hard. Or two Chakrams maybe, I didn’t want to grind for two of them but I bet it probably lets you throw more at once.
Yeah I know Shield Rod + Alucard Shield is the most broken shit in the game but I didn’t want to do that again
I don’t care how much “DOUBLE FANTA MADNESS” ricochets around in my brain I’m not drinking the nazi soda
young republicans
yeah i don’t think it’s for the good reason
I look like le republican, but really I’m le democrat
neat, downloaded Blackshirts & Reds
Downloaded all the epubs I could off and wow there is way too much Trotsky
He’s gonna win, specifically via Michigan, and the Dems will still learn nothing except “guess we need to go further to the right”
also I’ve never been diagnosed with ADHD or autism but the more I learn about them the more I’m like “yeah”. don’t want to self-diagnose too hard or anything but things line up
I bought an e-reader to try to read more books. Which feels kind of stupid to me since I have a phone. But I literally can’t get myself to read on a phone without doing something else within a few minutes so really this is just paying $100 to counter my shitty attention span. I’ll return it if this idea doesn’t work
eating an entire $3 frozen pizza is both nourishing and spiritually healing
Kinda crazy how Marx never wrote anything about Haiti
The kind that sucked shit and lost?
Idk I’ve listened to like the last 100 episodes and I haven’t noticed any racist jokes. Maybe anti-semitic jokes from felix but even that’s a stretch
why the fuck does a community college need a police force anyway
like we’re in the city they already have police
I feel like maybe having a near-universal car culture has directly made Americans worse people. Because in my experience the only way to have fun in a car is to try to kill other drivers with your mind and/or place curses upon them
They’re having a mid-off
Do people who leave fucking meat and cheese in non-refrigerated aisles even have human souls, can they be re-educated
Rebellion ended on kind of a cliffhanger
TV series ended cleanly but Rebellion is kinda GOATed so it’s worth it