Many people get it, it is quite normal, I think. The trick to avoid is to practice mental hygiene - don’t let the shit come in. Ponder over things that you can influence, be a kind person and help others. That way you see the world in a better light and it’s good for your sleep. You won’t solve the problems of humankind anyway. And get out of industries that aren’t kind to the elder.
That’s why I included Perl, it is always there. Just don’t code as if you were in the nineties and Perl is a perfectly legitimate language, even more so for shell tasks. Bad and good doesn’t depend so much on the language but the coder.
Why not use Perl or python for scripting tasks? Bash script is terrible imo.
Fzf doesn’t need fish, though. I use it with bash.
I wonder, what 'works with the fediverse ’ could mean for a messenger and what could be features not already implemented by different messengers, like elements or the very signal.
See what happens,when this attitude makes it go away!
And language tool is a great option! I use it for many different languages and support for it can be found in many places. Even Thunderbird has first class support for it, these days!
Good question! I’d say that the fediverse is semantically much more complex and thus allows for more progress. It’s like the difference between gopher and the web.
Stable, in this context, only means, that there are no major version jumps. So, you won’t update from, say, version 3.4.9 to 4.0 if that comes out, but instead to 3.4.10, which provides stability, but no new features. It depends a lot on your usage profile, if this is important to you. In that sense, the AUR usually isn’t very stable – but that can be seen as a good thing. If it is significant, typically, you can find pinned versions, too, just as you are still able to download python 2 (not supported for years, but it’s there, stable).
Maybe you should consider listening to different people.
Why do you assume, they had no such concern? There were seals to ensure authenticity and avoid man in the middle attacks. There were encoded messages, smoke, flags, light and sound signals. Trusted couriers, pigeons, etc …
1993 or so with some Slackware CDs, i bought, because I had no internet back then. Took ages to compile, and never got past the black x on the checkered background when I tried to startx. Console worked nicely though and I loved the bash (?) experience with command history and all that. However, no games, very little software, and I didn’t program back than. It took quite some time to be able to use those things productively as a user.
Personally, I am very happy with GNOME’s design decisions. Most beautiful UI out there!
If you learned that today, you must have been living under a very cosy rock of blissful ignorance. This scheme is still in use even now in a wide array of poorer countries.
Viele schwarze aus atmen Familien (ein Grossteil, wegen der Demographie), haben aber nicht die Mittel und die Zeit sich so gut auf solche Eingangsprüfungen vorzubereiten, wie ihre im Schnitt deutlich privilegierteren weissen Mitbürger. Nach einem Jahr sind die Leistungen jedoch vergleichbar. Darum sammeln sich an Elite Unis die Weißen, während sich die schwarzen, wenn sie überhaupt so weit kommen, mit wesentlich schlechteren Bildungsinstitutionen zufrieden geben müssen. So wird die klassenzugehörigkeit persistiert. In Brasilien hat ein affirmative action Zugang zu einem erheblichen Ausgleich geführt. Kein Wunder, dass er von den rechten torpediert würde.
Nr/nd? Context please…
I have one and it’s very nice.