Welcome to SquaredCircle’s ‘Meme Monday’!

Have you seen a great wrestling meme this week that just made you crack up? Did you watch a silly moment in a show and just need to craft a meme out of it? Well post em below!

The highest voted meme shall win and be showcased in next week’s thread!

Last week’s winner attached!

  • GeekFTWOPM
    6 months ago

    It’s a live show with no beginning or end

    Correct, but the storylines do have beginning and ends, and the storyline you’re hopping into right now is the 8th chapter of the 4th book in a series. You can hop in at any time and fully understand new stories that are presented going forward but you obviously aren’t gonna get the full details without doing a minimal amount of catch up work, no.

    You’re asking me to catch up on 20 years of story to understand this?

    No, I’m saying you missed 20 years of story so you shouldn’t be surprised at not getting something. What WWE (and anyone else involved) is asking you to do is catch up on what’s relevant. It’s 2024, WWE puts out YouTube videos, compilations, and tons of things to help people get caught up. Watch 2-3 videos and you’re caught up.

    Literally everything else you said.

    Sounds like you have a problem with suspending your disbelief then. I can’t help you with that, that’s a part of basic media literacy. Sorry I’m not trying to insult you, I just literally cannot help you. It’s pro wrestling, it’s not supposed to be 100% serious and logical all the time, we’re literally watching people in their underwear acrobatically fake-punch people and smash each other with pieces of metal that would kill any human being on the planet lmao If you’re trying to find logic in everything… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Edit: typos