We spend our days bound by endless obligations. Yet, even with loneliness, failed relationships, and soul-draining work, people still manage to catch a glimpse of happiness. Why?

  • Dyskolos
    3 days ago

    As you already went to ad hominem (as expected) And also seem to ignore what I said and rather see what you want to see, because your religious delusion only allows you to do that, I retreat from this “discussion”.

    If I learned one thing in life, it’s to never discuss anything with cult-followers. They’re all too far gone to even dare to look beyond their horizon. They prefer the comfy “truth” over the uncomfy reality.

    Oh and I never claimed it “just is”. I don’t have enough data to even form a theory. i just asked “what if”. But you already have all answers to everything, so why bother.

    So go back now to being a wage-slave to those who own you. Fulfill your cosmic destiny. This is what your master demands of you.