The meteor puncher, carpal tunnel syndrome frame, The Multiple-Punches Man! - Atlas

Release date: 2015-10-01

Passive: Strong as the mountain, Atlas is immune to Knockdown while in contact with the ground.
Landslide - Bash enemies with an exploding sliding punch, and repeat for a devastating combo. Petrified enemies take extra damage, and drop Rubble when destroyed. Rubble can heal Atlas and bolster his armor.
Tectonics - Summon a rock-wall, activate again to send the rocks crashing towards the enemy.
Petrify - Atlas’ hardened gaze will fossilize foes, heal Rumblers, and create Petrified Bulwarks. When shattered, petrified enemies drop healing Rubble for Atlas.
Rumblers - Summon two elemental stone brawlers to the melee. Summoning petrifies enemies in close proximity to Atlas. When finished, Rumblers collapse into a pile of healing Rubble.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is awarded after completing The Jordas Precept Quest. Component blueprints can be obtained from defeating the Jordas Golem on Jordas Golem Assassinate, Eris.

  • KeegenOP
    7 months ago

    This is my guilty pleasure “bad” frame. I love my rock punch guy! It’s a shame his kit has just so many issues, and his gameplay mostly boils down to spamming 1. The biggest QoL change I could ever ask for Atlas, and all other exalted-like frames, is to change his 1 to be a held ability, like the newly changed melee. That change alone would make me pull out Atlas a lot more often, otherwise his punches hit my wrist harder than they do enemies.

    Other than that, his Tectonics and Rumblers really need some love. I’ll blatantly steal Brozime’s suggestion as to what to do with Tectonics, cause it’s a damn good one. Make it so punching the wall with Landslide turns it into a cone shaped shotgun-like AoE that deals the Landslide’s damage in it’s area and creates some rubble. Add a dmg multiplier on top and now you can nuke entire hallways with this simple combination!
    Rumblers are even easier to fix, just make their punches do a % of Landslide’s damage. If DE is worried about another Wukong situation, make it so they only do their special punch when you do Landslide. And by the gods, please let us use all of our parkour with the Rumbled augment. And make it so the ranged rock throw scales with melee mods like Landslide does. I don’t mind losing all of my weapons, but give me a half-decent ranged option!

    • KeegenOP
      7 months ago

      If you like to repeatedly press one button and see very large numbers appear on screen, he is your man! I recommend running Rubble Heap and subsuming some sort of armor strip over his 2 or 4 (I like Tharros Strike because of it’s low power strength requirement and because it fits well thematically with Atlas) if you plan to take him into Steel Path. For the true min-maxing degeneracy, use Arcane Avenger and the new Violet Archon Shards to make some silly crits happen.

    7 months ago

    When DE added auto-attack by holding E, I’m guessing they never got around to making it work the same way with Atlas’ Landslide? Would be neat if you could just hold 1, or alternatively make it so pressing 1 is a toggle that replaces your melee weapon so you can just hold E to rockpunch continuously

    But yeah I remember the 1111111 gameplay and it quickly made me drop the frame despite how cool it looks and sounds :/

    7 months ago

    I added Lycath’s Hunt [Voruna’s Subsume ability] onto him for his 2nd ability and this gives me constant energy and extra health too, since I have [Equilibrium] for his build. This makes him way more fun and useful since you never have to worry about energy dipping when constantly using his 1 and 3.