The hyperwork periods are either random and completely unpredictable or triggered by extreme panic. Not regular panic, extreme deadline approaching panic.
My life.
Had a project at work that I was pretty much the only technical resource and occasionally also the project manager.
This thing dragged on for like a year. Not because of a lack of my working on it, but moreso a series of technical issues that came up and only I could deal with.
Then all of a sudden it became an emergency. One month to finish up and roll out. And it’s not that it wasn’t ready, but there was certainly a number of little things that still needed handling.
Except 1 week after the new deadline, I start a two week vacation, already planned and approved.
That vacation started on Friday. I’m yet to look at my work phone or email. It’s in my bag, powered on. I texted my boss today, just because I saw something cool I thought he’d be interested in.
Work like a demon at my job. On all day.
Become hermit incapable of movement at home.
I can do that for maybe 2 or 3 days before my pace crashes
Lucky enough to find jobs I’ve had fulfilling at personal level.
Helps tremdously to feel you make a difference in someone’s day.
What about those who vacillated into the catatonic state of existential dread and avoidance, but got stuck and couldn’t swing back to the frenzied hyperworkmode? Don’t forget about us. 😢
I see you, too. Sending hugs.
Thank you. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a hug. Virtual or otherwise.
Oh hey. That’s me for the past… year maybe? I hope you’ve got a bit more compassion for yourself than I do ❤️
Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been trying to figure out what is going on with me. I enjoy my job and have somehow managed almost two years of hyperfocus. Lately, not so much. What do?
*Also, I know this is ADHD Women and if I should abstain from commenting please let me know.
You are more than welcome to comment and participate!
Thank you!