(We already knew, but…)

Ring of Honor Women’s Champion Athena injured her left leg last night while wrestling on the ROH on WatchROH.com taping portion of last night’s AEW Collision taping, PWInsider.com has learned.

While wrestling Viva Van last night, there was a spot where Athena charged at Van, who ducked down and pulled the middle rope down. Athena took a bump through the ropes and landed on the floor. When she returned, she was limping but drilled Van with a forearm smash for the pin. Van initially kicked out but then stayed down for a second pinfall attempt we are told, so it would appear Athena relayed to the referee that she had been hurt.

We are told that Athena stayed in character after the bout but upon leaving the ring, did not put any weight on her left leg and hopped out while being assisted by the referee and another staffer.

Athena is over 518 days into her ROH Women’s Championship reign.

PWInsider.com is told that Athena was checked out after the match, but we have not confirmed the nature of the issue or whether she is expected to be out of action.

Thanks to Billy Krotchsen, who was in attendance last night at the taping, for their assistance.

  • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I forgot Nyla Rose existed. I read it internally as Nia Jax. What a random person for a surprise ROH run.