• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I swear I need to be right next to Tony Khan with full authority to slap him hard when he does stupid shit like booking matches and not stories.

    Yes, great, we got to see Danialson vs Sabre Jr. Yes, it was an amazing match. Now what did it do to get me to watch Dynamite next week?

    And now he’s booking what he sees as his own dream matches on Dynamite. You have a roster of like 3,000 people. Why the FUCK are you bringing CMLL and New Japan guys in, when like 70% of your roster hasn’t seen anything more than squash matches in 3 years?

    Where the fuck is Brit Baker? Why did you let Colt Cabana, Joey Janella, and Ethan Page go? I get trim the fat, but especially early on those could have been your upper midcard stars ready to break out. Oh, but lets bring is Escha Latte Frappadooo. Or whatever the name of the next random masked luchador is.

    Vince McMahon is absolutely a sex offender, but at least he knew rey mysterio is your one guy with a mask, because that makes him different but firmiliar.

    AEWs masked guys are Rey Fenix, and Penta. You can have more than one masked guy, but each extra one dilutes the effectiveness of their unique image. What’s far worse however is “here’s a guy you’ve never seen before, you’ll never see again, and he’s facing a guy who’s here every week”.

    Either it’s bad booking because the nobody won, or its bad booking because the signed wrestler won which everybody saw coming. And then you have no follow up story, so what was the point of any of it???