i cast str to int
It’s in C so now you have a memory leak
You goddamned animal
remember kids: if an intrusive thought tries to enter your head, just say no; they cannot legally enter without your consent
You are now breathing manually. Take that, OP!
Jokes on you I’m so obsessive I’m always breathing manually
You’re conscious of your tongue.
Haha, but my only intrusive thought is that the wizard cat is a cute chonker
Hell yeah 😎
Three hundred lives of men I have walked this earth, and now Trump claims aliens want to eat me? WTF?
Make an intimidation check with your spell casting ability.
Inverse intellect saving throw?
We all dead fuck it
I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that lol
take a moment to consider your own mortality
I’m pretty glad that I don’t have to keep doing this forever…
I have consisted it.
Now what?
Don’t leave me hanging!!(But absolutely do not make me consider others mortality - I get super depressed either by the lack of it or the inevitability of it (for the very select few).)