Exactly why you shouldn’t press the hang up button when unknown caller happens. Just mute the call and let it ring out in silence. Don’t press the voicemail button either to send them straight there. It’s like social media, any interaction is a positive for their bot system and the only way to avoid making things worse is to not interact at all.
Exactly why you shouldn’t press the hang up button when unknown caller happens. Just mute the call and let it ring out in silence. Don’t press the voicemail button either to send them straight there. It’s like social media, any interaction is a positive for their bot system and the only way to avoid making things worse is to not interact at all.
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iOS user here: Is Android fingerprinting voice samples for this‽
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That’s actually pretty awesome.
I pick up muted so they have a null like they hit an old fax line
Don’t fax machines directly initiate the handshake?
I remember being screamed at by angry modem noises in ancient times when calling a fax number.
I’ve spent the last 10 years honing my ability to screetch like a modem/fax machine. Jokes on them…
you don’t keep a window with this open just in case
I pick up and blast em with the captain crunch whistle
Now that’s an old reference.
Is it 2600?
I’ve turned off my voicemail with my cell carrier, and send all unknown numbers to voice mail.
It’s a peaceful life.
That’s my superpower. Everyone goes to voicemail.