So I have some people who want to get me into a discord chat. Is there a simple way to bridge it to matrix? I have my own matrix server but I don’t have a discord account. Is it possible to create a bridge without violating privacy?

I don’t want to create an account if I don’t have to

  • @[email protected]
    138 months ago

    Yeah, you can’t really use a Matrix account/server, to connect to Discord. You could use a bot, but even then, it would require a Discord account.

    I’d advise you to make an account, using an aliasing service. Then interact with Discord through the browser, NOT the client.

  • Gamey
    38 months ago

    There is a Matrix bridge bot for Discord but the server owner has to set that up on the Discord and Matrix side first

  • Nerd02
    8 months ago

    It is possible to use Discord from the browser without necessarily making an account, but many big servers have restrictive measures that prevent users without a verified email addreds (or even a verified phone number, in the strictest of cases) to access. This will depend on your friends’ setup.

    I don’t know if it’s possible to bridge Discord to Matrix, but I can tell you that it’s got a pretty prolific API for building bots and integrations, so someone might have already built something of that kind. Alternative clients are tecnically against the TOS (afaik) but I know of people who have built large projects without ever getting any complaints from the company.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    I know you can use webhooks to post messages without an a separate account, so a server owner could set it up for you, but I don’t know that you can read messages that way.

    Do any of your other bridges to systems that have accounts allow you to chat without an account?