I was always under the impression we’d go nomadic if things got bad, traveling to where it is habitatable year round and food is more available. I’m keeping myself mentally and physically healthy enough to walk long distances while not being picky about what I eat or where I sleep. I find the whole concept of hunkering down indefinitely is itself untenable.
I was always under the impression we’d go nomadic if things got bad, traveling to where it is habitatable year round and food is more available. I’m keeping myself mentally and physically healthy enough to walk long distances while not being picky about what I eat or where I sleep. I find the whole concept of hunkering down indefinitely is itself untenable.
You live like a nomad hunter-gatherer if you like. Count me out.
If the problem is going to last significantly longer than a month, then no one is really “prepared.” Those preppers then just become resource targets.