get some of that and the blue meth from breaking bad for a gender reveal party
This is praxis.
In the EU they have to sell it as “pink cocaine-like drug”
“pink drug with cocaine character”
meanwhile in the us it’s “pink cokayn™”
The vegan version is "pink coka’n as not to upset the meat eaters.
If it’s not from the cocaine region of France, it’s just sparkling pink coke.
In Australia 40% of cocaine samples of contain no cocaine.
“Apricots from Safre, archaeological treasures from Ile Marat, sugar from the Semenine Islands, and magenta cocaine from Supramundi and Saramiriza…”
Nobody can agree what is actually in this stuff. Also why would you mix coke and mdma anyways it literally does nothing.
It definitely does do stuff and I would be more concerned with what you actually took than telling people mixing coke and mdma does nothing.
It gives you brain damage it doesn’t give you a good high.
Edit: Just to clarify I’m not suggesting any one take drugs ever. You can have a good time without them and learning how to do that will probably make you a happier and healthier person. I’m also saying mdma and coke are a shit combo.
I would describe doing coke and mdma as “a pretty good time” tbh lol.
It’s not something I would particularly seek out like ketamine and coke, but it’s not like it didn’t do anything. Just light bumps during a roll.
god i used to love the K and coke combo after like 8 beers lol. weed in the mix rocks too. over 2 years off coke now though, it’s bad news.
Idk every time I’ve done it and I’ve only done it twice because afaik it’s very bad for your brain I felt like it completely killed the empathetic effect of the mdma, which I what I used to like about that drug.
That’s because it’s never the same stuff in “pink cocaine”. There is no real recipe, there are many manufacturers (it’s literally no effort, lol).
The world’s most famous K-Hole dweller can’t consume that because the pinkness is scary
We used to have Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash, and Fred Koch
My sister got really fucked up with that. She was almost interned permanently for it. I was already getting ready to adopt her kids, but when she saw that we were filling adoption papers she realized that we were serious and got her shit together and she have been 4 years clean.
Finally drugs with based colors.
Millenials killed the cocaine industry
Lol this reads absurd as fuck to anyone who has ever done those drugs.
And I’ve done all those drugs combined before.
What happens when you do ket and meth? You stare at a wall for 72 hours straight?
Mostly manic slurry is how I’ll describe it. Though the meth was ingested, not smoked. I’m sure it way stupider if you smoked the meth and then railed ketamine
We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers… and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can.
Why would they sub cocaine for ecstasy? I don’t buy it. There’s hardly even any ecstasy in most random ecstasy pills anymore, super stepped on drug
I’m not sure where you live, but ecstasy pills in Canada, the UK, and the US are the purest and strongest they’ve ever been. The early ‘00s they were infested with BZP/TFMPP. Dirty pipers everywhere. You don’t get ANY of those anymore. And back in the early ‘00s, you’d get maybe 80mg, MAYYYBE 100mg of MDMA. Nowadays, pretty much all pills are between 180 and 350+!!!mg of MDMA.
Source: long-time rave kid who’s an old rave kid now, and also for real, non anecdotal evidence.
Rave kid or drug nerd?
Eh both, hahaha. I’ve calmed down a lot, though. No more weed (too much anxiety) but a couple times a year my partner and I lock the cats out of our room, take a heroic dose of MDMA, rio off all our clothes, and dissolve into a disgusting writing pile of pure hedonistic ecstasy.
This is what they put in Arco-Flagellant stim-pacs.
"Cocaine, Ketamine, Speed and Amphetamine
Devil’s at my door and I might fucking let him in!"
- the Northern Boys