In a normal world he would be in prison for treason. There is no way he wasn’t aware of what was happening when he was being paid 100,000 a week.
I don’t understand these guys. They know what they’re doing, and they know it’s to help a sick and despotic country wreck the United States. If that effort is successful… what do they think their dollars will be worth when the “full faith and credit of the United States of America” no longer means anything?
These motherfuckers can’t see further than their nose. It’s a common problem with the right wing. Their motto should be “Modern problems require shortsighted solutions.”
“Not my problem” until it is, then it’s “who did this to me?”
“Fuck em, I got mine.”
Cash money, for the next several quarters. Or they’re converting to crypto, I’m guessing.
It’s not about the dollars, but about what they will get as a reward for their work and a new regime comes in. My guess is they hope they are continued, and safe, as the new dictatorship takes over and they think they will continue being useful as a mouthpiece of propaganda or given a position of power.
That’s my guess anyway. It’s sick.
Because they don’t think of it that way. Many want to return to the gold standard as well but that’s nuts. Regardless yeah, they see it more as attempting to rebuild the US into a fascist ally of Russia. I don’t think they actually understand that their actions devalue American currency by breaking the faith in the country.
Also few people seem to really understand that the sole real value of the US dollar is that it’s the only currency that the US government accepts.
they know it’s to help a sick and despotic country wreck the United States
And it’s defenders of justice, the constitution and democracy that are getting death threats from MAGAs today- SMH.
I mean the silver lining / horrifying truth is that they aren’t able to support their show with the audience they have. The movement to prop them up is losing money on it and is not effective.
It’s effective enough that Trump is a coin flip away from being president again
Unfortunately, these shows aren’t why it’s a coin flip. The tim cast channel has just over 1 million subscribers and the recent episodes struggle to crack 100k on the best days.
The reason the election is a coinflip is cause there’s swathes of the US that are barely connected to any form of media except fox news and spend their days in ultra-conservative ultra-religious echo chambers.
Don’t get me wrong, the foreign and domestic shadowy investment money is working, just not the portion that was allocated to propping up the tim cast.
A million subscribers in the swing states is not easily dismissed. If the election was just a popular vote I’d agree, his numbers are inconsequential. But unfortunately it’s the swing states that really matter for the presidential election.
But it’s a million across all states, and statistically most of that million are in NY and CA, especially because that’s where younger people who are more likely to know about a show like this live.
I was more referring to the whole ecosystem of Fox News rejects than Tim in particular.
Holy christ 100k a week? How was the FBI not on that?
I think they kind of were honestly, the goobers didn’t even last two years before getting busted.
Yeah the fbi tends to act slow and not strike without certainty.
It’s not treason, they haven’t interfered with the government or leaked secrets, that I’m aware of. They spread misinformation, but beyond that nothing illegal
According to U.S. code:
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
He is taking money from Russia, who is an enemy of United States, and has the intent to undermine the current government and this year’s election. He didn’t report it and benefited financially from it. Sounds like it fits the code well to me.
Does spreading misinformation count as treason? Otherwise having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, doesn’t apply.
The States convicted an innocent woman of treason for similar, if far less.
Taking large amounts of money from foreign nationals to spread misinformation is beyond just being unethical. Getting paid $2,500 an hour is obviously fraudulent.
There are definitely laws that could be twisted to charge them but we really should codify this so there is no question about its legality.
They’re Republican operators, there are no laws applicable to them when the DOJ is run by a Republican
I agree.
Must he have known what he was doing?
I disagree.
Tim Pool is extremely stupid.
he would be in prison for treason
Treason against whom? It’s the billionaires’ country, we just live in it.
Guys like Tim Poole aren’t any more treasonous than Peter Creedy from V for Vendetta. They’re the voice of the establishment not some upstart insurgents rebelling against the people in power.
Right now, we have a large tranche of white nationalist conservatives who are fully in alignment with Putin’s extremist ideology. He’s tapping into their propaganda network with their blessing.
Yeah but he sold himself to enemy oligarchs and betrayed his class. That’s just rude, you’re only supposed to do one under nationalism.
he sold himself to enemy oligarchs
They’re not enemies to our oligarchs though. That’s the catch. Plenty of American’s plutocrats see Russia as a model and Putin as an ally.
So, as a Majority Report fan… there’s a bit here that makes this even more funny and ironic.
Putting this in Spoiler because its a gigantic wall of text
So, sometime last year, Emma (MR’s primary cohost) went on Tim’s show, actually on location in his compound.
During their exchange, Emma brought up how right wing shows such as Tim’s, just generally have a whole lot more funding than similar left wing shows…
… alluding to how most right wing shows tend to have large donations or grants from wealthy right wing businessmen, or their ‘foundations’, whereas left wing shows tend to get much smaller donations from far more people, which sum up to a whole lot less than what right wing shows get.
(This is all like a year before the Russian funding story broke)
…Tim’s response to this is to deny that his show has any large benefactors, begins talking about no, we just have a larger audience and thus better ad deals, and the suggests to Emma that the Majority Report should focus on stories people want to hear that draw a larger audience, and that they should a CTO to manage their finances better.
So ok fast forward to now, and it’s all but certain that Tim got all this Russian money, assumed it was legit, and normal, despite it being a very large sum of money, for very little extra or specified work…
… and then he massively expanded his operation with this money.
And then he not only lied to Emma’s face, in person, but also had the gall to magnanimously critique the financial operations of the Majority Report and pretend to be some kind of helpful, well intentioned business guru.
… And now that Tim’s stupendous Russian donor that he lied about not having isn’t funding the his operation any more, welp uh it appears to be time to close up shop.
So this is on its face just astoundingly, perfectly representative of the total falsity of the ‘self made man, bootstrapped my empire from the ground up, I’m just better at business and thus life than you’ narrative that basically all wealthy people, and certainly all wealthy conservatives in America promulgate.
But it gets even funnier.
You see, in the last, roughly two weeks…Sam Seder, MR’s main host was invited to Tim’s show, for an in person appearance and discussion with Tim… on November 1st.
If you don’t follow online political drama much… basically no conservative talking head will agree to debate or even discuss anything with Sam, because he’s been doing this shit for like 20+ years, and basically, in a rather composed manner, he always makes fools out of any conservative he’s ever verbally sparred with, or the conservative ends up cancelling or backing out for some reason.
… So… November 1st is a Friday.
And Tim Pool appears to have stated that if the show does continue, well Fridays he won’t be there, it’ll just be his cohosts and guests.
… As it currently stands, Sam legitimately does not know if he will be appearing on Tim’s show to, you know, talk to Tim.
… So…Tim may have also (inadvertantly?) added himself to the list of conservative talking heads that are too afraid to talk to Sam.
You forgot the best part. The Russian deal had just come in within days of Emma being on his show. Likely around a week before.
Wait, it wasn’t like a year ago?
… fuck.
I am apparently still brainfucked in the ‘how does time pass’ department from covid and the just non stop insano-hyper reality that US politics has been since.
Oh well, that does objectively make the story even funnier.
That is fucking glorious, thanks for taking the time to put that beautiful wall of text together.
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Well, after about a year of self directed physical therapy (can’t afford healthcare, car got stolen so I couldn’t get to it anyway), I’m now not in constant, screaming agony anymore, and I finally found a place I can actually afford to live at off of meager SSDI income.
So… things are looking up, actually!
deleted by creator
In all honesty, take care, sorry you’ve been having troubles. I’m not trying to belittle them with mine, just know that you have friends out there who feel your pain.
Right back at you man.
I’ve had a number of concussions and contusions over the years, but never so severe I needed brain surgery.
Best of luck, I know that recovery from major surgeries, especially brain surgeries, can be extremely challenging in unexpected ways that are often dismissed or not understood by everyone around you.
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we just have a larger audience and thus better ad deals
What is it about being a conservative and lying about the size of your… audience? “I’m just very good at making deals” also has a certain right wing vibe to it.
It is literally part of the core definition of political conservatism that they support the status quo of a social hierarchy: some people are on the bottom some people are in the middle, and some people are on top… and that’s how it should be.
Though exactly which attributes and qualities of a person determine the social pecking order vary from society to society, this basic definition holds up, universally.
Then, the next step is to come up with reasons this social pecking order should exist.
In modern day America, one of these reasons is the myth of meritocracy: Achievers, the gifted, the talented, the hard workers… well they have more merit, thus they are rewarded for it.
This is objectively false. There have been many, many studies showing this. The most successful people essentially always work just as hard, or even less hard, than the poor, they are no more intelligent or educated… what they have is a combination of dumb luck, social connections, and a considerably more stable and wealthy starting position than the unsuccessful.
But, the myth of meritocracy is very useful.
Successfuls like to believe they are special and better, after all, I wouldn’t be so wealthy if I wasn’t just better than you, and as a social phenomenon, it creates amongst the unsuccessful the idea that well i am just not working hard enough, if I keep my nose to the grindstone, I’ll get wealthy too, and be able to escape poverty, and then finally be better than everyone else!
What that latter part does is gaslight/brainwash people into being subservient, exploited workers… which keeps the wealthy wealthy, and the poor poor.
Its been said that poorer Americans often view themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, as opposed to… poor and exploited by the systems that they will one day be on top of!
Its a whole fun psycho pathology of reinforcing beliefs and socioeconomic systems.
Sidebar: What you’re saying is genuinely interesting and I’m glad to have read it today, but can you back off on the italics usage? It made reading your comment kinda difficult :(
- a fellow italics connoisseur
I’m doing my best on a shitty mobile phone with a … still recovering from having multiple ligament torn, and wrist and finger bones broken in my right hand.
But sure, I’ll try to switch it up with bold and ‘quotes’ for emphasis more in the future.
Random question: Your comments mention that you work in aerospace… have you ever heard of the TR-3B?
I realize I may sound like a lunatic, but, I’ve seen it 3 times over the years when I used to live in and near Seattle, and one time I saw it hovering, only hundreds of feet in the air, over the building that’s marked as the Fly Away Cafe at Boeing Field on Google Maps.
You think there’s anything potentially to that, or would I have to be commuting to work in Janet Airlines for a non redacted answer? =P
Unfortunately not, I’m in the space side of aerospace. If it flies in the atmosphere and isn’t accelerating to orbital velocity I’m afraid I don’t know
Ah well, figured I’d ask.
I have a cousin who I am 99% sure worked on the SR 72… but he of course could neither confirm nor deny this.
TR 3B is speculated to be basically a large, equilaterally triangular craft that has 3 … more conventionally powered propulsive engines, near each point of the triangle… but makes very little to no sound… and the speculation part is that this all works because somehow the craft has some kind of exotic system which functionally reduces its mass by about 90%, reduces felt inertia by about 90%, thus allowing for significantly higher G Force tolerance, as well as less powerful conventional engines / thrust generation, less needed fuel, than what would otherwise be needed.
Its potentially a spacecraft and an atmospheric craft simultaneously, but if it does actually exist, its probably one of the most classified things ever.
I realize this is all in the ufo/conspiracy theory zone, so reliable info is essentially impossible to verify, but that second link there has pictures and schematics that nearly perfectly match what I’ve seen.
Unfortunately the only evidence that we have of the Tim Pool show ending is that Tim Pool said it. Does anyone have a more trustworthy source?
From my understanding of what was in the article, the DoJ indictment has Laura Chen, founder of the company that employs him and Dave Rubin, stating that without the funding of their Russian contact, their profitability isn’t enough to sustain the show and all the staff.
The thing under his beanie said it
Nah its his parasitic twin skkeg.
Hopefully I will never have to hear about Tim Pool and his stupid fucking beanie ever again.
Like what a transparently shallow fuckhead. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going bald, it happens to a ton of people. If you’re self conscious about it that’s understandable but for the love of fuck all don’t put a beanie on and wear it 100% of the time, even when it’s 99% humidity outside, and pretend like it’s your fucking brand or whatever. Just take that $100k an episode AND GO GET HAIR PLUGS YOU STUPID FUCK LOOK AT MUSKS HAIR WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TIMMY.
I really, really, really hate Tim Poole.
It’s a MAGA secret, but Tim Pool’s beanie is also his nightly cumsock.
That’s the secret glue he uses to hold the beanie on his head.
I hope he blew all that money on stuff like staff etc, believing it was all his efforts making it possible.
Yeah. Modify your body to fit your desires (but if you do you’re a massive hypocrite if you judge others for the same) or learn to accept that your body will sometimes change in ways that you don’t like, but for many of those changes you can learn to live with it and be happy in it. The beanie is weird. Like if it was just a style thing I’d be sympathetic, my wife wears flannel in the dead of summer too, but he acts pathological about it.
Balding is a part of life for many people. Dihydrotestosterone is a byproduct of the metabolism of testosterone. As someone who personally hated all of the effects of a testosterone dominant body I sympathize with not liking it, there are DHT blockers that can even help with that. But just hiding the hair loss is a strange choice.
In his surprise announcement, Pool claimed that he needs to focus on his family (which doesn’t yet exist), and it’s all the fault of his shitty staff members who were stealing from him anyway.
Hookay, dude, whatever you say…
I remember him being a seriously big name that was impossible to avoid if you discussed politics a lot on Twitter back when I was still on there. And of course he was obnoxiously wrong about everything.
That he’s not only quitting but fallen so far that his name isn’t even in the headline?
Tim Pool is a bald traitor. He is unhealthily insecure about his hairless scalp, even denying its existence while in full view. Frankly, he put more effort into hiding the top of his head than he did in hiding his ties to Russia. It’s okay to be bald. It’s not okay to be Tim Pool
He has 30 people on staff? Why? I could do his show, and do it better, with a fifth as many people.
The problem is that the only people willing to work for obvious grifters are other grifters.
Probably script writers, people to keep up with the latest narrative (I refuse to call them researchers), some people to handle the business side to get in money, some people to handle pr and comments and lastly some people to handle the publishing side like takedown requests etc etc.
Half of that sounds like the job of a single PR person. And the rest sounds like 1 or 2 people can write and research.
This of course begs the question of what exactly Tim does on his own fucking podcast. If he’s not writing, researching, securing business deals, or doing anything but reading a script, is it really his show?
I have no idea what something like his show takes to run, but if it doesn’t require 30 people and really does only require even say 10-15 people, he’s doing the exact same thing that people like him and Elon do - “I could do it better and with fewer people on the payroll! What a waste!”
So part of me hopes he really is just getting ripped off.
If Simon Whistler can host a thousand youtube channels and a new podcast every day of the week with just a handful of staff, freelance writers, and a couple of editors…
That guy is insane. I like his content, but dude needs to sleep at least a couple hours a month.
As someone who has looked at Tim Pool’s “show”…
He doesn’t have writers. His show is just him looking at headlines and “reacting” live.
Half the time the bullshit he peddles is debunked by the article itself, as he reads it.
He never acknowledges this. It’s just a stream of consciousness mixed with right-wing brain rot in real time.
Are you implying Tim Pool the creative mind behind Timcast and the band, Timcast, both of which are controlled by his holding company Timcast media group. Is some kind of idiotic fraud with no talent?
In response, I’d just like to say, “Timcast”
With these grifters it’s probably a problem of the ones who are true believers are too stupid to be competent and the ones who are competent know it’s all for the money and will negotiate accordingly and are only in it for the cash grab.
Who knows what mix Pool had working for him
Why is he always wearing a meg beanie? Is he balding?
He claims it’s to hide his identity in public… as hilarious as that sounds
Yeah, he’s bald. That might be it, or it might be something else. He gets REALLY upset if you knock off his beanie.
Something tells me that Tim “the problem is everybody else” Pool might have a hard time finding a woman willing to put up with his narcissistic and toxic personality…
Nah, I think he can find plenty of them. They just won’t fit his expectations of what they’ll look like.
What’s great is that if I’ve learned anything from these chronically online streamers/grifters is that Pool will never give up the ghost and we’ll get more and more desperate and hilarious content by him as he spirals.
Probably talking to Alex Jones right now to collaborate.
nothing like using women to define toxic behavior
Crowder somehow managed to get married.
And I was just watching a YouTube video about an imprisoned psycho killer, who murdered several women in cold blood with an actual fan club full of women who are in love with his swastika-tattooed face.
So there’s probably a woman out there for Pim Tool too.
…pursue acquiring that family
That’s just such a weird creepy incel way to word that…
No fucking way. His show can’t even sustain itself without hundreds of thousands of dollars from foreign agents? It’s a shitty fucking podcast.
With 30-some-odd staff, apparently, lol.
I constantly get/got ads on YouTube to subscribe to his show, one as recently as a couple of days ago, so the funding must have dried up very recently very quickly.
(I’ve also had full like hour long episodes of Louder with Crowder as a skippable pre-roll before, has to be being served to me purely by demographics because I don’t watch that shit.)
edit 10/26: when I searched for 45 on JRE I got a Timcast ad again “because you searched for Joe Rogan”. I also saw by the recommendations that he fired someone from his show and she immediately signed up to work for Hambly (eww)
All those toll calls to mother Russia gets expensive.
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Seems to be happening a lot right now. Even on Lemmy.
i haven’t been certain about whether there are foreign influence campaigns active on Lemmy, but their ripples are undeniably visible here. Particularly on the communist instances and the smattering of far right spaces.
You are one.
How can I be part of a foreign influence campaign when I’m trans? Unrelatedly, here are six reasons we should cease arming Ukraine and give Taiwan to China.
Nice detail with the “colorized” 😁
There’s been a rash of new accounts posting right-wing garbage the last few weeks. I just block them.
Lmao, the tankies don’t need money to shill for [insert any country against the US]
I saw the headline before leaving work and a “Wouldn’t it be glorious if it’s Tim Pool?” thought popped into my head.
Fuck this bald traitor scum. May the offspring of a thousand fleas find refuge apon his genitals.
As I recall he went far right after meeting Laura Southern of the Canadian far right “Rebel News”.
Which is also on the list as getting Russian cash.
I thought he was still pretending he wasn’t far-right? Anyway, pleased to see him forced out. Hopefully more pieces of shit lose their far-right radicalization podcasts.