Channel name

description of what it covers and why you watch it

  • stoy
    3 months ago


    BobbyBroccoli - Good videos about science scandals.

    Brick Experiment Channel - Guy in Finland making awesome Lego builds

    Calum - Fantastic videos about really cool stuff like, shipping cintainers, land trains, WWII rescue buoys, flying homes and more.

    Clabretro - Interesting videos about setting up a retro lab with cool enterprise computer gear.

    Code Bullet - Chaotic programming with a focus on making AI playing games.

    James Channel - A channel by a video games collector, the first video he uploaded a year ago about making a portable Super Nintendo, he uses a lot of duct tape and hot glue. He has also built a working NES game that can play other NES games.

    Jet Lag: The Game - The team behind Wendover Productions plays games where the world is the game board, they have played tag across Europe, the have played Hide and Seek throughout Switzerland, they have played connect four with US states and more.

    Our Own Devices - A lovely man talks about things, highly recommended.

    Paper Will - Have you ever wondered about how North Korea entertains their citizens? This channel has a five and half hour long video about it. What about cults? What kind of entertainment do they produce? There is an hour long video about that.

    Peter Dibble - A channel focusing on the Pacific North West of the US, but has awesome videos about barcodes, the 90s US high speed train campaign, a buss riding the sky, America’s christmas monorails, Lego’s cousin Modulex, and more.

    RetroBytes - Highly nerdy content, excellent videos about topics like: CPU architectures, Unix workstations, Networks, the History of Computer Graphics.