Recently I am considering more and more moving my primary pc to a Linux distro. Somewhat for privacy issues but also to have more control over my system and to reduce the amound of advertising that windows keeps cramming in my face. Specifically I’m looking at Zorin. I was wondering what thoughs people here had on it.

I predominantly use my pc for gaming with friends. Almost entirely through Steam and we use discord to communicate. I’m mostly just curious if anyone here has had much experience with Zorin and whay they thought of it as a daily driver for gaming.

  • @[email protected]
    149 months ago

    While both Mint and Zorin are good “beginner” distros, they might not be the best choice for gaming. Since your primary use seems to be gaming and you’re on an nvidia GPU, you may also want to have a look at distros, that make it easier to set them up for that. So apart from Pop_OS you could also look at Nobara Linux or Bazzite. Not to confuse you with even more options, but it’s good to know what’s out there and try some stuff out to see what works.

    • @GrenfurOP
      59 months ago

      There are definitely a of of options, but I think thats a good thing in this case. I’ve seen quite a few people mention Pop_OS. I’m leaning towards giving that a shot and seeing how I like it. Thank you for the input :).

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I’m really excited about where Pop! is going, and I plan to make it my next os. I’ve been using Ubuntu for a while now.

        • @GrenfurOP
          29 months ago

          Well it’s the one I’m testing. Spun up a vm just to take a look. Still trying to wrap my head around some stuff but overall I like it. It seems mostly intuitive and the ui is easy on the eyes.

  • @[email protected]M
    9 months ago

    My elderly mum and dad use Zorin and they have no issues. But their needs are simple, and they mainly need a simple, easy to use, and stable system. I wouldn’t recommend Zorin if you’re a gamer though, since it’s not really optimised for gaming, and it has outdated packages. Software in the Linux world moves really fast, so as a gamer you’d ideally want to always be on the latest graphic driver stack, latest Wine/Proton, latest kernel etc in order to get better compatibility with games and better performance. Zorin and most Ubuntu-based distros like Mint and Pop_OS generally lag behind on several key packages, which may not be ideal for a gamer.

    If you want a daily-driver for gaming, I’d recommend checking out Nobara (based on Fedora), or Bazzite (based on Fedora uBlue). Both these distros come with all the drivers, codecs and optimized versions of Steam, to make gaming easier. Nobara has an added advantage of an optimized versions of the kernel, Proton, Discord and a few other apps, whereas Bazzite has the added advantage of atomic updates and an immutable filesystem, which increases stability and makes it easy to rollback an uodate, plus it can behave like SteamOS and boot directly into gamemode, which is great if you want to get a console-like experience.

    I would say Nobara should be a good starting point. Once you’re a bit more familiar with Linux, you could check out Bazzite, because internally it works quite differently compared to traditional desktop operating systems.

    • @GrenfurOP
      19 months ago

      Oh I hadn’t heard of either of those but I’ll add them to the list to look into. I have some basic understanding of linux, though entirely through CLI and just little things like hosting searxng. I’ve enjoyed learning it though. I’m reading William Shotts The Linux Command Line since it seems interesting, but I definitely would like a gui for daily use.

      At any rate thank you kindly for the support I’ll look into these :)

  • Radioactive Radio
    79 months ago

    I started out with zorin, i love it. I gamed on it a fair bit, it does help you run wine things by installing wine if you try to run anything windows so it might be good if you just switched. But I was looking for something minimal so I’m on KDE Neon now. I use bottles to run games and works amazing too.

    • neo [he/him]
      49 months ago

      I use bottles to run games and works amazing too.

      Am I dullard for just using Lutris? Like literally any time I want to install a program or game I will use Lutris’ GUI to select the installer, select a prefix directory, and so on. Once it’s done installing, then I switch the target EXE to the actual program I want. It isn’t exactly convenient but it has been reliable. So I haven’t tried any other approach.

      • Radioactive Radio
        39 months ago

        As long as it works. I still go back to “play on Linux” once in a while to look back on the not so minimal GUI, has a certain charm to it.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    I don’t have much to add here, since I mostly agree with the others.

    I started with Zorin too (a few years ago) and back then it was great. It was almost the same as Mint, but looked more modern.

    Nowadays, I would recommend Mint more than Zorin. Zorin isn’t bad, but isn’t maintained as much anymore.

    There were lots of upgrades (performance, looks, functionality) in the underlying system (kernel, UI, etc.) which Zorin didn’t recieve. But it still isn’t a BAD choice, but there are better ones.

    Mint is an example of that. It’s also very conservative (-> stable), but heavily maintained and improved. It isn’t a gaming distro, but every distro is suited for gaming anyway.

    Use that for a while and see what you dislike.

    Then switch to something like Fedora (or Nobara), Pop!OS, or Bazzite. The latter is definitely for more advanced users, since it’s a very new concept and not as spread. It’s more similar to SteamOS.

    Don’t base your choice by “it’s a gaming distro”. That doesn’t matter much. You can install those tweaks pretty easily on everything else.

  • downhomechunk [chicago]
    49 months ago

    Your experience with Linux actually depends more on the desktop environment than the distro. The big 4 are called gnome, kde, cinnamon and xfce.

    For users looking to migrate from windows, I always recommend kde. It’s slick, full-featured, comes with a good catalog of apps and (imho) is the most windows-like experience. Kde is going to function mostly the same regardless of the distro you pick.

    I’m a long time slackware user. Slackware ships with kde by default but will have a much steeper learning curve than previously mentioned distros. But if you really want to learn Linux computing then maybe give it a try.

    • arglebargle
      29 months ago

      Mostly. Even KDE has some helper apps and set up that is not always included. For instance: A default EndevourOS install will not have SMB set up. Other distros may or may not. A new user might expect Network discovery to be configured for them to at least see what else is on the network. KDE has a network tab available but without the distro configuring it, it wont do anything. That is just one example.

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    If you can dualboot (know how to, also SSDs are cheap now), then just give it a go with whatever you think looks great (gotta admit, Zorin looks real smooth.) Then if anything goes wrong you at least have a backup OS.

    I am new to linux as well and dualbooting gives a huge safety net and peace of mind. I just looked at Manjaro, thought it looked cool, installed it and learnt the basics, and I am on a different distro now.

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    Recommendations are only recommendations. Try the distros out yourself in a VM like VMware, configure it, spend some time in them, and see which you like the most. It should only take a few hours

  • ProdigalFrog
    39 months ago

    Zorin is a solid beginner Distro, and should work well for the tasks you listed.

    If you’ve never used linux before, personally I would recommend Linux Mint Cinnamon edition, for the main reason being it has by far the nicest, most polished appstore of any distro, which I think is an important feature for new users.

    However, Zorin has a cool feature with the ability to change the style of the interface to mimic other OS’s, and the default themes look cooler than Mint’s.

    Both would serve you well. ExplainingComputers on youtube does a good in depth video on both distros.

    • @GrenfurOP
      19 months ago

      I’ve had a few people mention mint. I’ll definitely give it a look. Probably try and dual boot on my current rig and poke around a bit. I have a little experience with Linux but nothing major and the options are a bit overwhelming.

      I greatly appreciate the yt recommendation though. I’m always looking for solid sources of info and am happy to do more research once I have a little direction. Thank you kindly :)

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    I have a… philosophical issue with Zorin. It is based on Ubuntu, which is fine, but then they charge for “Zorin Pro” which gives you access to different preconfigured desktop layouts that are provided using FOSS software. They’re doing nothing wrong from a licensing perspective or anything, but it still rubs me the wrong way.

    I would say Linux Mint or even just Ubuntu are better recommendations for a solid beginner distro.

  • danielfgom
    39 months ago

    Zorin is based on Ubuntu LTS so it will be very stable and has tons of apps available. Steam should work just fine but I don’t think they’ve done any additional work to specially optimise it for gaming.

    Linux Mint would be a very option because they tend to update the system more often than Zorin, although also Ubuntu LTS based, and I think Cinnamon looks better than Zorins desktop personally.

    If you have Nvidia graphics then maybe look at Pop_OS because while they are also Ubuntu based, they’ve done some extra work with Nvidia drivers and getting them to play nice with Linux.

    Unfortunately Nvidia doing supply open source drivers so everything has to be reversed engineered. That’s why Linux users tend to use AMD.

    • @GrenfurOP
      39 months ago

      I seems like the general concensus is Mint makes more sense for what I need. I’ll need to do a little more looking and test it out.

      I honestly hadn’t heard of pop_od before so I may need to look into that as well. Most of my hardware I wouldn’t mind replacing but I have a 3080, and dropping cash on a new graphics card seems suboptimal lol.

    • @GrenfurOP
      9 months ago

      Mint was the other distro I looked at actually. Just doing some cursory reading I like the additional emphasis Zorin placed on privacy.

      *rdit - Not saying that Mint doesn’t in this case. Sorry i see it may have sounded that way from how I worded it.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        You’re definitely valid for being concerned about privacy, but I think much more of privacy is how you configure your system and less how it ships, especially when it’s all Linux under the hood anyways. Additionally, privacy features aren’t much good when they’re bundled, set to defaults, and never fully configured - it’s both a great learning opportunity and provides even better security to set up things like browser extensions, a firewall, tor, etc. yourself so you can know their ins and outs than simply having them installed by default and never touching them.

        Of course the privacy difference between Windows and Linux is so night and day that that leap on its own might be everything you’re looking for and then some, but Linux is always what you make it, so you’re not giving up much when picking one or the other! The only big things you’re locking into is a community and a package manager/repository, and Mint is definitely top notch in those regards, so it’d be hard to do better.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Something that hasn’t quite been touched upon but might be important to note is that both Zorin and Linux Mint run ‘old’ kernels (almost two years old in fact). While this does not necessarily have to affect you, there’s a considerable chance that you might not reap the benefit from improved performance and other good stuff that would be found on a newer kernel.

    Generally speaking, you should be fine regardless. However, if you intend to primarily engage in high-fidelity gaming, then I’d argue it’s at least worth benchmarking your performances on Zorin and/or Linux Mint and compare that to a Fedora(-based distro; like Bazzite or Nobara) or an openSUSE Tumbleweed (or perhaps even an Arch(-based distro) if you’re feeling brave). If the differences are negligible, then you shouldn’t let this be a factor to take into consideration. But if it isn’t, then you might want to (at least) consider switching over to a distro with a newer kernel (eventually).

    Finally, the ‘old’ kernel is -in a sense- one of the reasons why both Zorin and Linux Mint are even popularized for newer users. But, that’s something I won’t be able to go over in this comment for the sake of brevity.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    Id recommend Mint or POP OS, they are better optimized for Gaming and still super beginner friendly. Steam games should work but you can check it out on SteamDB.

    What you should know is that you can dual boot until you got stuff running like you want it.

    Also the fact that MS office is one of the only things you can’t get running on Linux because Microsoft is a bitch.

    • @GrenfurOP
      19 months ago

      Actually thats the plan is to dual boot to make sure everything runs decently and then switch over.

      And eh I’ve recently switched to libreoffice, and with a few exceptions it does what I need (rip xlookup).

        • @GrenfurOP
          19 months ago

          Same actually. But work supplies their own pc and I try desperately to keep work stuff off my home stuff. So generally not an issue. I appreciate the heads up though!

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    You might want to know about discord updates, if the maintainers of the distribution don’t update discord as fast as the discord developper, it will fail to launch when major update happen since those don’t go through the internal updater of the client, and discord only provide a .deb package, which you can install with a simple double click on debian based distribution (ubuntu, mint, mx, zorin etc), and a generic linux exectuable, which can be launched in any distributions but won’t be automatically integrated in your application menus

    • @GrenfurOP
      29 months ago

      Thats super helpful, thank you!

    • downhomechunk [chicago]
      29 months ago

      Try tweaking this, courtesy of the slackbuild page for discord:

      If you’d like Discord to continue working after an upstream update is released, but is not yet available on SBo, add the following to your user’s ~/.config/discord/settings.json file:

      “SKIP_HOST_UPDATE”: true

        • downhomechunk [chicago]
          29 months ago

          Thank the maintainer of that slackbuild who probably got tired of people bugging him to update the script every time a new release came out and threw up that helpful note!

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    I installed Zorin on a computer for someone who hardly uses a computer, and it was easy for them to get the hang of navigating it. If you’re coming from windows, with not much Linux experience, it should be an easy transition. From what I remember, it’s based on Debian. I’ve read, enabling their testing repos is a good way to keep as up to date on packages as you can, while keeping it stable. Debian strives for stability, over the most recent updates of packages. Which could be good in your case (You can always install Flatpak to get the most up-to-date packages, too). I’m not sure how Zorin fairs for gaming. You may want to consider Pop!_OS, or even just straight Debian. [email protected] has some great material on how to get Debian working for gaming. Later on, you could move to Arch. I’ve heard great things about EndeavourOS. Arch is known for being bleeding-edge and having the most up-to-date packages but you may come across instances where you need to troubleshoot a bit more (their wiki has almost anything you could want to know, though). Almost everything will run on Linux. Check out Proton, Lutris, and Bottles. And, obviously, Steam and Discord work on Linux, so you’re good there.

    • @GrenfurOP
      39 months ago

      You’re the second person to mention pop_os. I’ll have to do some more digging on that.

      I swear the way linux distros are named never ceases to crack me up. It’s part of the reason I came here to ask. I have some experience with raspberry pi lite so that I have a place to mess around and learn, but aside from that there are so many distros that it’s hard to get direction. Most of what I know I pulled from distrochooser and some light googling. But it seems like everything is an ad so finding reliable info can be a journey.

      At any rate thank you for adding to my list of research. I appreciate it greatly :)

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        With a bit more digging, you might even start to notice a pattern if all the articles, and realise that most sites you find on search engines are giving you nothing but articles generated through ai based on each other with little to no meaningful difference between each others